Posts by rebel8
WT is trying to scare off memorial partakers
by cookiemaster ini don't know how many of you still participate in the sunday wt study, but i unfortunately still do.
even though i was asleep half of the time, i did notice something i thought i should share with the rest, in case you haven't noticed.
a lot of the paragraphs were worded strongly against partaking and used clear language of intimidation and discouragement toward anyone thinking of partaking.
What is the penalty for partaking if you're not eligible? -
Brother so and so doesn't accept counsel
by hoser ini am not sure if anyone else here heard this phrase.
i did from a circuit overseer when i was a servant many moons ago.
with my newly enlightened mind i finally understand what this means.
They should feel no need to gossip and ruin the person's social standing. That's a sign of emotional immaturity, bullying, poor self-esteem, small penises and douchebaggery. -
Measles, Cults and Vaccinations
by OrphanCrow in
a member of the esprit-saint mission told cbc news reporter thomas daigle that vaccinations are against the community's beliefs and that their prophet warns them vaccines result in illness.
the member confirmed the first cases of measles in the region originated with the community.the esprit-saint eugenics group was founded by eugene richer dit lafleche in 1913. the community purports to live by and work toward spreading the message of the third member of the trinity, the holy spirit.a former member of the community said it believes vaccines compromise people's immune systems, and that they feel protected by the spirit of dit la fleche, who died in 1925.public health officials said wednesday they believe the number of infections will continue to climb.. this article sounded interesting - i was reminded of how similar this cult's views on vaccinations are to the jws view, especially back in the 1920s to the 1950s.
And they were still peddling this message decades later.
The Watchtower 1st November 1961 p.670:
Since the Bible forbids the eating of blood, how are Christians to view the use of serums and vaccines? Has the Society changed its viewpoint on this? - J. D., U.S.A.
The Bible is very clear that blood could properly be used only on the altar; otherwise it was to be poured out on the ground. (Lev. 17:11 - 13) The entire modern medical practice involving the use of blood is objectionable from the Christian standpoint. Therefore the taking of a blood transfusion, or, in lieu of that, the infusing of some blood fraction to sustain one's life is wrong. As to the use of vaccines and other substances that may in some way involve the use of blood in their preparation, it should not be concluded that the Watch Tower Society endorses these and says that the practice is right and is a contamination of the human system." -
Gifts from my old hall..
by Garrett inhey guys,.
so, it seems the hall i used to attend before my latest one got to hearing that i "disappeared".
so today, i went to the post office to pick up a package.... i decided to try to face reality and open it... what i found were multiple letters and wrapped gifts.
It's scary how certain things can make the memories and dread come flooding back in an instant. -
Nigerian scammers are getting hilariously sloppy - read this
by sir82 inhere is part of a scam e-mail delivered to my junk folder (i glance thru it every so often for kicks).
i highlighted the parts i found especially goofy:.
we found your name in our list and that is why we are contacting you, and we are happy to announce to you that every necessary legalarrangement regarding to your compensation has been signed and sealed.
^LOL I got a laugh out of that one! Totally random nudity. -
85 cart days numbered?
by jookbeard inreading a report of an elder in a friends cong has been hiding and spying on the pioneers who seem to have a practise of dumping the cart and finding a local coffee shop, i've noticed that they do this in my local high street as well but this week they seemed to be all huddled around the cart, they've clearly been warned, a vast percentage of the time i see they seem to be more interested in fiddling with their mobile phones and gossiping, is just seems these carts are a means for the pioneers to turn in "easy time" i wonder what sort of figures show how much literature is being taken by the public?
i bet its very minimal.
naturally the gb would say they are a phenomenal success , we clearly know they are not.
If they take something it is because they really want it.
I am not sure I can believe that. I've done community events where we hand out free trinkets and people have physically pushed each other out of the way just to get some $.05 piece of plastic crap. We had to stop leaving stacks of stuff on the counters because people would walk by and sweep the entire lot into their purses. Once I was handing out pink rubber bracelets and an elderly man swept a bunch of them into a tote bag--I asked him what he planned on doing with them and he said, "Nothing, I just want them 'cause they're free."
Born in apostasy?
by woodforde ina woman has a blood transfusion during pregnancy.
this blood, obviously, now constitutes the unborn child's circulation.
kid gets born, becomes of age and wants to become a jw.
Who knows how they would regard that situation if it was real.
I was told that the fact I had fractions as a toddler (before becoming a dub), made me "damaged goods like a rape victim" and I would probably never be so fortunate as to find a bro willing to marry me. The issue would be compounded if I ever had fractions forced upon me.
Both of those situations were involuntary, and my spiritual and social status as a jw was lessened.
door to door
by gda insome jw's at my daughters door saturday morning.
they said nothing, nada, zip, zero, and just passed the mags to her and left.
is there no interaction any more?
What a great way to place more magazines.
When I was in, we had to ask for a donation of $.20 or some amount like that, because supposedly the angels would then be able to tell if the person was really interested (if they were willing to pay).
If we didn't have to do that, shoving it in their hands and walking away would have made my life a lot easier.
Celebrate the Un-Memorial
by rebel8 ini was thinking that we could spend the memorial evening doing the exact opposite of what we used to do.. smile and laugh.
have fun.
dress comfortably.
Can't read those quotes? -
Celebrate the Un-Memorial
by rebel8 ini was thinking that we could spend the memorial evening doing the exact opposite of what we used to do.. smile and laugh.
have fun.
dress comfortably.
I was thinking that we could spend the Memorial evening doing the exact opposite of what we used to do.
- smile and laugh
- have fun
- dress comfortably
- eat leavened bread with your friends while they also partake in the same meal
- be noisy
- don't think or talk about death or torture for the whole day
- discuss how barbaric and unloving human sacrifice is
- sit in comfortable chairs
- listen to good music and don't sing along
- be real--don't love bomb or behave in a fake way to impress outsiders