What is particularly interesting about the above medical directive is that it has the UN logo on it, and it refers to a United Nations Act of 2000.
from an informant who contacted atlantis:.
.. i consent to my relevant medical records and the details of my condition being shared with.
the emergency contact below and/or with member(s) of the hospital liaison committee.
What is particularly interesting about the above medical directive is that it has the UN logo on it, and it refers to a United Nations Act of 2000.
i have a customer who's son is a jehovah's witness.
he was disfellowshipped over a year ago.
this is the second time he's been disfellowshipped.
i was an extremely sincere, zealous pioneer.
i really cared about the people in the field.
i thought their lives were in danger.
ok bible scholars, do i have this right?.
jehoopla promised the israelites lots of great stuff in the promised land, but they didn't believe him so they sent spies to check it out.
they came back with fruit so large it had to be carried on a branch by 2 men.. from this, dubs believe they are going to have strawberries the size of king king's skull when they get to their own promised land (the new system).
The first time I can remember this jw teaching was maybe around 1980 at the Tuesday night book study. We were studying some book about paradise and it mentioned the petting zoo and giant fruit. They said it was one of the reasons there'd be no hunger--one strawberry would be the size of a softball, etc. Something along those lines.
Found a little about it here.
debating this was going to be the last day in field service was not hard after dealing with a nasty mess because i was grouped with the misfits of the kingdom hall!
i was reading this website on my phone while something started to stink in my car and one of the weird kids nobody wanted to work with yelled "hey, you leaking all over my seat, he was freaked out too!
" the older, retired elder, his pioneer daughter had forgotten to put his depends on and that became my problem.
omg. So gross. Poor guy--how humiliating.
I once found a partially full orange juice bottle, the rest of the contents having baked onto the upholstery over the prior day and night.
I was told I was materialistic for being concerned about how to get the stain out. This was one of many red flags about the borg.
my father passed away this week.
we are going to have a funeral for him.
he was not a witness for many years but a lot of his family is still associated.
Sorry you lost your dad.
I've thought about this many times myself. I imagine myself being uninterested in holding back. I imagine telling them it's rude to preach and they need to move away from me immediately.
When people preach to you, they are the ones being rude--especially at a wake. For Pete's sake, do these people have a clue about how to be polite? (rhetorical question)
ok bible scholars, do i have this right?.
jehoopla promised the israelites lots of great stuff in the promised land, but they didn't believe him so they sent spies to check it out.
they came back with fruit so large it had to be carried on a branch by 2 men.. from this, dubs believe they are going to have strawberries the size of king king's skull when they get to their own promised land (the new system).
ok bible scholars, do i have this right?.
jehoopla promised the israelites lots of great stuff in the promised land, but they didn't believe him so they sent spies to check it out.
they came back with fruit so large it had to be carried on a branch by 2 men.. from this, dubs believe they are going to have strawberries the size of king king's skull when they get to their own promised land (the new system).
Ok bible scholars, do I have this right?
jehoopla promised the Israelites lots of great stuff in The Promised Land, but they didn't believe him so they sent spies to check it out. They came back with fruit so large it had to be carried on a branch by 2 men.
From this, dubs believe they are going to have strawberries the size of King King's skull when they get to their own Promised Land (The New System).
They posit the reason our fruit is smaller is that we are destroying Earth with all of our sinful wind chimes and wizard toys. Once that horror has stopped, the fruit will get bigger. You'll be able to eat a single grape for lunch!
Giant produce is why we won't have a problem with hunger. (I wonder if this doctrine originated when Miracle Wheat was a thing.)
I've been looking for evidence of actual giant grapes in Canaan, or something it could have been mistaken for, but I can't find it.
the mystery of the ages was revealed to the gentiles 2000 years ago.
the mystery is "christ in you, the hope of glory" (colossians 1:27).
the churches do not and never will teach this even though it was revealed to the gentiles.
yet another circuit assembly hall is going to be sold off!.
they've been reducing the amount of congregations assigned to meet there and using the times when it isn't in use to make repairs.
elders have now been informed that they are selling off the property and buildings and that circuits would be assigned to attend other sites, twice as far, three or four hours away, like montreal.
I helped build that one.
What a waste of resources. They should renovate old buildings if they want to do a good thing for communities, and get positive press.