Ok bible scholars, do I have this right?
jehoopla promised the Israelites lots of great stuff in The Promised Land, but they didn't believe him so they sent spies to check it out. They came back with fruit so large it had to be carried on a branch by 2 men.
From this, dubs believe they are going to have strawberries the size of King King's skull when they get to their own Promised Land (The New System).
They posit the reason our fruit is smaller is that we are destroying Earth with all of our sinful wind chimes and wizard toys. Once that horror has stopped, the fruit will get bigger. You'll be able to eat a single grape for lunch!
Giant produce is why we won't have a problem with hunger. (I wonder if this doctrine originated when Miracle Wheat was a thing.)
I've been looking for evidence of actual giant grapes in Canaan, or something it could have been mistaken for, but I can't find it.