1. your age - 30
2. how long were you a Witness - never
3. how long have you been out of the religion. - never was in a religion
4. which of the following symptoms did you experience as a witness. - see #2
4a. depression - never had it, never will
4b. low self esteem - did I mention that I am my own god?
4c. anxiety - I can't wait to post this!
4d. psychosis - I always live in the real world
5. Today, which of those symptoms do you have? - none, but crazy wasn't on the list.
6. Today, how would you rate your overall degree of happiness 1. much less happy than as a JW 2. somewhat less happy 3. just as happy 4. somewhat more happy 5. much more happy. - If your happy and you know it, clap your hands ((((clap clap)))).
Boy, don't I just sound like a bundle of joy!
To everyone that does suffer from these illnesses, my sympathy goes out to you. I hope that you all can find some kind of peace and try to enjoy life and live it to the fullest!