This is really irritating:
When you find out that your bad tasting toothpaste is Preperation H!!!
I hate it when that happens!!!!
the following is what really irritates me:.
i'm just about to tuck into a $100 meal when some ignorant b*****d lights up.
when nobody lets me out of the side road onto the freeway.
This is really irritating:
When you find out that your bad tasting toothpaste is Preperation H!!!
I hate it when that happens!!!!
another fluff topic that has no useful purpose whatsoever.
i have a big foot.
my shoe size is 12 wide.
LMAO at Lew!!! I figured that subject would come (no pun intended) up. LOL
My shoe size is 11 1/2 wide sometimes 12 wide depending on the type of shoes.
i have an 84 year old customer that comes in every week with just a ton of "groaner" type jokes for me.
i am never prepared with any jokes in return, so i'm hoping y'all can assist.
i would like to start this thread with hopes you can post your really bad jokes...clean preferably.
What does the USS Enterprise (Star Trek) and toilet paper have in common?
They both fly around Uranus and pick up cling on's.
happy birthday max!!!!!
wishing you many more!!!
cant forget about those wheelchair races and the experiment when i have false teeth??
Thank you all for the birthday wishes!!! All my friends that I have here are great and I love talking with you all!!!
Mum, Happy Birthday to you too!!!
My Birthday wish was a simple one really and I guess that is because I am a simple person. The only thing I want is for my wife, Cassiline, to be able to finally live her life without trama. That is I don't want her to have to deal with pain, agony, and/or suffering any longer. As many of you know, she has quite a story behind her life and a medical history to match it. She has been hurt many times by people that she has put so much trust in only to get stabbed in the back. I don't want her to have to deal with any of these things any longer. She is an extremely much stronger person than I and I love her with all my heart. So my wish is this, for my wonderful wife to get well soon, live without confrontation, live without conflict, live without certain individuals that can not be trusted. And I look foward to our days of retirement with wheelchair races.
Cassiline wasn't supposed to tell you all about the experiments!!!
click to this link..
Glad you fixed this. Pretty cute without the pop-ups.
i think that everyone should see this at least once in thier life.. i love this, love.
love it.
That is a very cool site!
click to this link..
A lot of pop-ups.
i have to say that i have never laughed out so much during a movie in my entire life!
it has to be one of the funniest movies i have ever seen!.
for those of you that don't know what i am talking about, the movie is based on the mtv show "jackass" which has a group of guys perform all kind of dangerous, stupid stunts.
I can't wait to see this movie. Well that is on video. I will definetly be buying this one. The TV series is just too funny.
take some time today people and tune in and educate yourselves a bit about this 'system of things'.. no war in iraq!!!.
no blood for oil!!.
Thanks again Lew.
happy anniversary to a very special couple!
for mr. and mrs. ashitaka .
hope you guys have a great anniversary!
Have a great anniversary!!