Mine is Cassiline, the Greatest Woman in the World (see bio)!!!
JoinedPosts by maximumflash
Whose a Cohabitant w/ another poster here?
by BadJerry inok, who shares the same domicile with another poster here?
i'm with...maybe i'd better let her reveal that.
or should we make it a game and try to guess who??????????????
The "faked email" excuse for stupidity
by Simon ini've seen people claim on the web that emails aparently from them have been faked.
yes, sounds reasonable.
in fact, i've had emails faked to look like they are from me and we've recently seen one made to look like it was from silentlambs.. however, as with any claims on any subject, there will be those who make the claims for other reasons.
it wasn't me, it was the virus.
Symantec lists some of these viruses..........
Downloader.BO, Backdoor.Antilam.g1, Backdoor.Baste, Backdoor.GF.13, Shit.Maggot.exe, W32.Stupid.D, Backdoor.Assasin.B, Trojan.Houpe, Trojan.Zasil, among others.
Where Have All The Pretty Women Gone?
by Englishman into explain: i recall in the 60's and 70's driving down portsmouths commercial road during a lunch time.
in the summer, there would be dozens of pretty girls strolling along, enjoying their lunch breaks.. high-heeled, well groomed and shapely of leg and well turned ankle, these delightful creatures smelled as good as they looked and were a real tonic to an over worked young man such as me.. so where are all the pretty women now?
all i see these days are skinny women with their boobies pushed up to their chins and half a pound of shrapnel punched through their noses and ears.
Where Have All The Pretty Women Gone?
Here is one!!!
Love you babe,
The "faked email" excuse for stupidity
by Simon ini've seen people claim on the web that emails aparently from them have been faked.
yes, sounds reasonable.
in fact, i've had emails faked to look like they are from me and we've recently seen one made to look like it was from silentlambs.. however, as with any claims on any subject, there will be those who make the claims for other reasons.
LOL @ Simon's Comments
P.S. The phone thing is true. I know someone that it happens to constantly.
Edited by - maximumflash on 13 November 2002 8:33:33
Hamburger - fluff time
by larc ini have been very busy translating the dead sea scrolls and finding out how to explain to everyone what is the meaning of life, so i feel a need to take a break from my ponderous works to ask all of you a pregnant question, to wit, what is your favorite dish that is mainly comprised of hamburger, or contains hamburger as a major ingredient?
i do request that you only provide one, and only one selection.
(those who disobey this rule will be disfellowshipped and will not get a christmas present from me this year, even if i promised you one.
Taco Salad (if before it is ground counts then I would go with New York Strip Steak)
Look out Europe, here we come!!!
by maximumflash inwe are moving!!!!!.
as many of you know, cassiline and i live in the united states of america.
i just found out this last week that we are going to be moving to germany!!!!
You are on for the visit!! We will be seeing England while we are there anyway. Maybe you can help out with providing us with some tourist info when we get there. Thanks ahead of time.
Thanks for the info that you sent me. I really appreciate it!!
We will have to get together sometime while we are over there. We can't wait to go!!
What are You all Doing Here?
by TisInYourWishbone ina friend of mine recommended i peruse this forum because he is of the impression i would find it rewarding.
the basis of his recommendation was due to a very long friendship and not due to any association (that i do not have) with jehovahs witnesses.
he considers me his superior in intellect and wants an appraisal of this sight but to be honest i have neither the incliniation nor the time to get in deep enough to comment.
So you will all have to do better than that, either impress me today or lose me---------------- TisInYourWishbone
Hummm I wonder if the attitude may have? Perhaps something to do with comments like the above. Or the fact that Kingpawn answered your first question long ago and you choose to ignore it.
OK Tis,
First off, the others have been put off by a certain smugness that comes across in your words. I caught it too but anyway....
Since I don't know what topics you consider would be a good cross-section of the board, try searching (link is above to the left of the forum name) using the following keywords:
- Disfellowshipping or shunning
- UN
- SilentLambs or pedophilia
- Blood
- Failed prophecies
- Mexico/Malawi
The thing is, if you're not familiar with the doctrines and background of the Witnesses, much of it may not make a lot of sense--you won't be able to relate to it like someone who has been/is a JW. Drop me a line (e-mail addy's above the pic on the left hand side of the post) and tell me something about yourself so I recognize it's you and can better answer your questions.
Edited by - Kingpawn on 11 November 2002 8:8:30
Here I will give you a few links to keep you busy for awhile since it seems you are having a problem with the search feature.
UN Issue
And here are some movies to keep you occupied. Learn about the pedophilia issue.
Stats on JW's
Look out Europe, here we come!!!
by maximumflash inwe are moving!!!!!.
as many of you know, cassiline and i live in the united states of america.
i just found out this last week that we are going to be moving to germany!!!!
Yes, we know the city we are being stationed at. E-mail me its open.
Whole family is going. We would like to get a year deferment for our oldest daughter to finish her senior year here.
Bypass Australia? Don't believe it will be on the way to Germany, but we would never bypass Australia if we had the chance. That's one of the places my wife and I have always wanted to travel to.
Fill us in on some of the details if you don't mind.
Anyone from Germany send info!! Please, it would be much appreciated.
Shh its a secret...
by orangefatcat inhey hey everyone (im ofc son) .
tommorow is her bday .
shes gonna be old ok anyways i know she chats here alot so ummm u were warned .
Happy Birthday OFC!!!!!!!!
Look out Europe, here we come!!!
by maximumflash inwe are moving!!!!!.
as many of you know, cassiline and i live in the united states of america.
i just found out this last week that we are going to be moving to germany!!!!
We are moving!!!!!
As many of you know, Cassiline and I live in the United States of America. I just found out this last week that we are going to be moving to Germany!!!!
Our move is not going to be until next year at the earliest, probably around the middle of the year 2003, if not later. Over the last year we thought we was going to move to so many different places but this one is definite.
We are very excited about the whole thing!!!! We are going to try to visit as many countries as we can while we are there!!!!
I was born in Germany but that is all that I know about the country. Cassiline and the kids have never left the United States but they are excited about the move.
Wish us luck!!!