Depending on the length of your tour, you can come home on Leave for up to two weeks. This does not include coming home for funerals and family emegerencies. The Army has notoriously long tours at 12-15 months. I went over with the Marine Corps and their tours average 6-7 months, and nobody chose to come home.
JoinedPosts by DocHayes
Something Sweet For Veterans Day
by SixofNine inwhich, btw, used to be called armistace day to remind us that war sucks.. .
anyway, these videos of dogs welcoming their soldiers back are sweet; be sure to look at the last vid, btw..
Anyone ever join the military after leaving?
by DocHayes ini was raised a jw and never knew much of anything besides it.
i became inactive in 2001 (the sunday before 9/11 was my last meeting!
), and officially da'd myself in january of 2004. later that year, i enlisted in the navy reserve as hosptial corpsman.
I was raised a JW and never knew much of anything besides it. I became inactive in 2001 (the Sunday before 9/11 was my last meeting!), and officially DA'd myself in January of 2004. Later that year, I enlisted in the Navy Reserve as Hosptial Corpsman. I deployed to Iraq in 2007-2008 with the Marine Corps (as their medic) for a 7 month combat tour.
When I went in a lot of people said that I was subsituting one Institution for another. I did see a lot of similarities, but for the most part I really learned a lot of things about myself, and life that I never would have had the chance to learn as DUB. All in all, I felt like I fit into the military lifestyle as well as anyone else does. The big exception is that I never attended Lay Services, and often told the Chaplain and his RP's to F*** off.
Anyone else ever go in afterward?
Voter Registration?
by jt stumbler ini just completed my first ever voter registration form.
anyone else going to vote for the first time?
How many congos
by joelbear in1. moultrie georgia, my dad helped build the town's first kingdom hall.. 2. ft. walton beach, told ken rogers i wanted to marry his daughter melanie.
3. pensacola, always ticked off that i had to go to meeting when lost in space was coming on.
4. jesup, ga, tiny little white block bldg, had to pass speaker to go to the bathroom, i was only witness kid in the town.
1. Greensboro, NC... Not sure where I was, a few congregations when I was born, and had no recollection.
2. Greensboro, NC- Southeast- Served here until the time I was 16, around 1996. Gave my first talk, and was baptised.
3. Greensboro, NC- Summit- ASL (American Sign Language Group) part of another congregation, but served here (very unwillingly) with the sign language group. I hated every minute of it, but my parents tried to make me believe that this was Jehovah's direction for the family. I also started regular Pioneering here. Here until 1999.
4. Greensboro, NC - Southeast- 1999-2001. Went back to my home congregation after I was old enough to leave the ASL group. Continued as a Regular Pioneer, while the rest of family stayed at the ASL group. Faded away from here, and DA's myself in Jan of 2004.
NC meetup. Who would/could come?
by freedomlover in. richie and i are brainstorming a meetup in the western side of nc.. -freedomlover.
jourles - your pics have inspired us!
Public Speaking
by DocHayes inhas anybody out there publically talked about their experiences as jw?
i've given thought to it (lectures, classess, etc).
i had a pastor from a local church express interest in me coming by and speaking with his congregation.
Has anybody out there publically talked about their experiences as JW? I've given thought to it (lectures, classess, etc). I had a pastor from a local church express interest in me coming by and speaking with his congregation. Then he asked me "where I was in my walk with Jesus Christ". I never got an answer back from him. I assumed that he wanted me to talk about the JW's beliefs, and then say how Saved I was.
Anybody know how to get started in it?
Thought I Was Out Of The Woods
by DocHayes inwell today i was having lunch with my mother, who is inactive, and hasn't been to the hall in a couple of years.
recently she's been hounded by the elders, because of all of the christmas decorations.
even though she hasn't disassociated herself, and she won't because she doesn't want to alienate herself from her family, she attends another church.
Thought I Was Out Of The Woods
by DocHayes inwell today i was having lunch with my mother, who is inactive, and hasn't been to the hall in a couple of years.
recently she's been hounded by the elders, because of all of the christmas decorations.
even though she hasn't disassociated herself, and she won't because she doesn't want to alienate herself from her family, she attends another church.
how would it go down if.....
by Pleasuredome inyou told elders that when you got baptised and answered the questions, you had your fingers crossed?
Thought I Was Out Of The Woods
by DocHayes inwell today i was having lunch with my mother, who is inactive, and hasn't been to the hall in a couple of years.
recently she's been hounded by the elders, because of all of the christmas decorations.
even though she hasn't disassociated herself, and she won't because she doesn't want to alienate herself from her family, she attends another church.
Thanks, that site is easier to digest at once that an entire book.
My mother says that calling the JW's a cult is my opinion... and I told her that I don't make such an accusation without imperical evidence to support it. She didn't want to believe that.
On the one hand, she's no longer going to the Kingdom Hall, so I'm relieved for that fact. So it's akin to a recovering alcoholic thats been dry for two years, saying that he never was an alcoholic to begin with.
On the other hand it makes me wonder just how truly "recovered" she is. At best she's a JW apologist, and tries to compare it to the church she presently attends. She always has bible discussions with the pastor, and she tries to impress him by using what she learned as a JW. I've even heard her mention "the New System" from time to time. I never paid much attention to that, and sloughed it off.
Thanks for information.