ZERO and it's not that I didn't try.
Posts by freyd
How many people did you bring into the "troof"?
by Bob Loblaw ini left when i was in my teenage years, thank god, so i didn't really have the chance to bring anyone under the wts mind control.
how about you?
did you bring anyone in?...and if so, where are they now?
collection agencies
by freyd infour years ago i had some checks stolen and a couple of which went thru my account.
i did a police report and the bank reimbursed me.
this week i get a letter from a collection agency on behalf of the creditor stating that i owe them the money.
Four years ago I had some checks stolen and a couple of which went thru my account. I did a police report and the bank reimbursed me. This week I get a letter from a collection agency on behalf of the creditor stating that I owe them the money. Any advice appreciated?
It's a long distance kind of thing.
What if you're in love but don't want to be married?
Anyone here, have you had enough religion for the rest of your life?
by restrangled inthats how i feel,..... no disrespect for those who find another way or place to worship.
i for one cannot stand any religion on any level.
how do you feel?.
Organized Religion is an oxymoron. Religion by definition is disorganized. Trying to organize it results in organized chaos. Scripture does not teach the need to be organized or religious. It teaches faithfulness and love of God and man. When you combine Scripture with organization you get enforced nonsensical creeds and dogma.
Do You Really Need to Know the Truth Again?
by Clam inare we better people when were looking for the truth, rather than when weve found it?
when i thought i knew the truth it didnt make me a better person, it didnt give me peace of mind or facilitate self discovery.
if anything it released negative qualities such as arrogance and misanthropy.
The Passover in Type and Anti-type
?Now all these things happened to them [as] types, and have been written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages are come. 1 Cor. 10:11 (Darby)
Keep the Big Picture in Mind
"This well pictures the passing over of the antitypical firstborn (the true church of God, the 144,000) during the Gospel Age. None of the world of mankind is in danger of the second death during the Gospel Age, only the antitypical firstborn, the saints. Others do not yet have enough light and therefore do not have that level of responsibility." -
e-watchman mass banning
by spiceant inrecently e-watchman started deleting/suspending (theres a difference?
) accounts of people on the forum left and right which he and the moderating team deemed to be discussing apostate things as in apostate in brother kings own vision, further detailed in some posts (basicly barring out discussions of jw doctrine).. i suppose my own offenses was my "staying in the org.
" thread and one that explained that one should not depend on kh's to be able of worshipping.
Same basis as e-w, Blondie. Paranoia. They could start hauling people into the library right and left to interrogate them as to whether they believe everything that the FDS(non-existant) proclaims. A few years ago a congregation I know of decided that 4 elders would meet with each ministerial servant individually to "review their performance." Later it was dropped to two on one. Who knows what directive could come down from headquarters with a similar directive involving all publishers?
e-watchman mass banning
by spiceant inrecently e-watchman started deleting/suspending (theres a difference?
) accounts of people on the forum left and right which he and the moderating team deemed to be discussing apostate things as in apostate in brother kings own vision, further detailed in some posts (basicly barring out discussions of jw doctrine).. i suppose my own offenses was my "staying in the org.
" thread and one that explained that one should not depend on kh's to be able of worshipping.
Does any one have any reason to believe the WT will soon do a purging of their own?
Bowl Games
by freyd inis there any point to any of these games now that a computer decides who's #1 and #2. seems like they're nothing more than glorified scrimages.
saw something the other day that might make new years day interesting again.
sugar vs orange winner florida .
Is there any point to any of these games now that a computer decides who's #1 and #2. Seems like they're nothing more than glorified scrimages. Saw something the other day that might make New Years Day interesting again.
Jan 1 Fiesta Bowl Ohio State VS Boise State Ohio State
Rose Bowl Michigan Vs USC Michigan
Sugar Bowl Wisconsin vs Florida Florida
Orange Bowl Louisville vs LSU Louisville
Cotton Bowl Auburn vs Oklahoma Oklahoma
Cap 1 Bowl Arkansas vs Wake Forest Arkansas
Jan 8 Fiesta vs Rose Winner Michigan
Sugar vs Orange Winner FLorida
Cotton vs Cap 1 Winner Oklahoma
Notre Dame vs Virginia Tech Notre Dame
Jan 15 Winner Fiesta/Rose vs Notre Dame/Virginia Tech Michigan
" " Orange/sugar vs Cotton/Cap 1 Florida
Jan 23 Winner Fiesta/Rose vs Notre Dame/Virginia Tech Pick 'em
Winner Orange/sugar vs Cotton/Cap 1 -
Fluff - Men: What do you think about women ...
by serendipity inok guys, time to weigh in.. what do you think about a woman asking a man out on a date, especially a first date?.
good idea?
bad idea?
I'm at an awkward age. Too young to be old but too old to be flirting. Financially secure and want to stay that way. But yet keep getting encouragement from those young enough to be my grand daughter and don't want to be accused of doing anything inappropriate. And I don't know what to make of it.