Sometimes I wonder if every now and then perspective is lost with regard to the effect words have here.
While I have to agree things said here affect people in real life, it's also up to BOTH parties in an exchange to keep it all in perspective. If someone allows something said here to offend them to the point they want to leave, they should. But they should just leave, not talk about leaving all the way out the door. I agree the apologists can get bitter, but usually that's when they are actually making progress. To bash an apologist for losing a grip on civility in the heat of fighting a losing battle in their mind seems a little bit backwards, the times when they are at their worst is usually when they are at the end of their rope, grasping for straws. Of course there are some that are just idiots but in that case I think everyone owes it to themselves to be the "big kid" on the playground and realize what it all means at the end of the day.
In the 6 years I've been keeping up, there have always been trolls, apologists, complainers, well wishers, researchers, flamers, some dude always asking damn questions every freakin day. It's just the way it is.
It won't ever change...but in the end, no one can make you feel anything with words without your CONSENT!