First, be sure to spell check it hehe.
Secondly, I'm saddened that you feel the need to be reinstated. I can understand the loss factor, but is being in such an evil organization worth going back into just for family's sake? I am at a point with my own family that even though they left the org, my mom is still so wrapped up in JW thought that she might as well just go get reinstated because leaving didn't change anything other than the fact that she's DA'd. She is shunning me because of my choices that I have made in my life and I can tell you, I do not plan on going back to her way of thinking just to gain favor with her and have her in my life. So, that is why I ask you, is it worth it in the end? Do you plan on towing the mark and being the good little JW that they want you to be? Or are you doing it just to get your family back? To me, that is just as bad as them dabbling in the UN just so they could get a library card.
Just my thoughts.