a friend in need, who still has never answered my questions on my posts or pms
Posts by holly
Artist You Enjoy, Now That They're Dead
by prophecor init's sad but it's true, when an artists death occurs, they often become more famous post humously ( after they've died ), than the fame they experienced when they were alive.
two that immediately come to mind for me are,
a. stevie ray vaughn (legendary blues guitarist)
Elvis - but then there are some who believe he aint dead, so maybe he doesnt count
getting my feet wet!
by Shania inhi all!!!!
i've been apart of all your stories......been lurking here since 03. you all have helped me in many ways .....i feel like i'm stepping out of the little puddle and am looking at a big ocean....so it is sink or swim for my life back.....and by reading here i feel like i am safe.....though a bit scarey!
Welcome Shania
come on in and have a good splash
Do you think "World War 3" is inevitable?
by JH ini was searching in google for world war 3, and found these sites .
syria has been threatened by the US..it'll happen sooner rather than later .
Interesting! Someone wrote a book called 'the bible code'. cant remember who - sorry. he talks about a hidden code in the bible, predicting every major event in history - this code couldnt be unlocked until the invention of the computor. it says the end of days will happen in 2006 and the conflict leading to armageddon will start in Syria.
I think that unless God steps in, yes, world war 3 would be inevitable. someone once wrote - and again, i cant remember who.....
'i dont know with what weapons world war 3 will be fought, but world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones'
HELP ME! I am stuck in JWD and cannot get off-line!
by BrendaCloutier ingeez talk about trading one addiction for another..... i get on jwd reading, posting, chatting, and i just can't seem to get myself to log off the internet!
sometimes it's cuz i don't want to go do what i have to, or sometimes even want to, go do.
sometimes i'm just feeling anxious and needy.
I have so much work and I too am stuck.
Is JWD my new cult?
LOL ! Perhaps someone should start an ex JWD forum - how to kick the addiction. im so tired i am falling asleep at my computor - its 12.40am here and im soooooo sleepy zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 5 more minutes and I will go !!!!!!
the day after armageddon part deux
by Crumpet inday 8
the elders announced a new meeting schedule at the morning meeting.
on sunday, we will still have the public talk followed by a study of old watchtower articles until we get new magazines.
Excellent story!! thank you!
may be better to just die!!
in fact, was watching tv tonight and someone said something i will share here with you
'its better to die standing up, than to live forever on your knees'
Why Do You or Don't You Believe In The Bible?
by minimus indo you believe in the bible just because you were raised to believe?
are you sure it's "believable"?
.....have you convinced yourself the bible is just another book?
i do believe in the Bible, all of it, but i believe interpreting it isnt easy.
Things that make you feel like a Daddy...
by confusedjw inlast night my daughter (8 years old) came down to the bed with a belly ache.
she has a couple of legit issues which cause belly aches beyond the regular kid stuff.
her poor little face grimaces in pain.. so i had her get into bed, got out my iriver mp3 player, put one of my ear-buds in her ear and one in mine and we listened to music and i rubbed her belly and tapped out the songs we were listening to.
I relate to the above posts; kids are just wonderful----until they reach the adolescent years.
How true! Mine have reached those years and life is very difficult at times. My mothers words keep coming out of my mouth these days, like 'while you're under my roof you will live by my rules', or 'get that make up off you look like a tart' and 'i dont care what your friends are allowed to do' etc etc. I cant wait to have grandkids ! they must be easier.
Bush Announces "Peace and Security" (non-political thread only please)
by Confucious inok, in bush's speech last night, his theme was "peace and security" or "peace and saftey" which i believe was his actual words.
well, we know the jw retoric about "peace and security.
does anyone here have insite on what the the bible is talking about with "...when they are announceing peace and security that sudden destruction will be instantly upon them..." .
thats it folks get your suit of armour on!!! armageddons coming!!
actually i do believe it is, on a serious note.
but i thought the jws would know it was here when the political leaders banned religion - the fall of babylon the great?
When were the dubs last in your area?
by ozziepost in.
it seems that the visiting witnessing group is becoming an endangered species - rarely seen.. is that your experience?.
when were the dubs last in your area?
oh my word, you should live near me. its crawling with jws. they are like ants........they are everywhere. they come round all the time - they must have heard armageddon coming real soon because they are very busy.
everywhere i go i meet Jws. i catch a bus, one starts talking to me. i go to work, theres jws there. i go out socializing - oh theres another two (there always seem to be two of them). i went on holiday recently and got talking to two very nice woman - guess what - jws.
maybe Jehova trying to tell me something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL