MsMCDucket, I don't know what type of depression you have, but I suffer with anxiety and OCD which manifests itself in projections of catastrophe. My psychiatrist put me on serotonin inhibiters. After trying a few out, and this is while I was going through a bad time, we found that Zoloft worked. The downside was that as much as I performed my 'husbandly duties', I was unable to reach personal satisfaction, (if you know what I mean). This side-affect I could live with because the depression was. I took Zoloft for two years.
Six months ago I changed to Cymbalta. I feel great with this drug, and no side effects (place huge smilie). And I intend to come off the drugs completely over the next six months to see if I can do this on my own.
That's my experience.
JoinedPosts by stevenyc
Anxiety, stress, depression - What do you take?
by MsMcDucket ini've been feeling like a slug.
the antidepressant that i was taking wasn't working.
the doctor couldn't give me another steroid injection for my migraines because it caused my blood sugars to go sky high and made me suffer from steroid induced mania; and then after it started leaving my system, i had this really down feeling.
by Terry init is little understood by christians what a difference there is between themselves and judaism; especially on the matter of whom god forgives and why.. a christian expects to sin against many people in the course of their life, but; proudly boasts that they aren't "perfect just forgiven.
" this is wrong by judaism's ethical, moral and theologic standards.. let me explain why.. in judaism; only the person you sin against can forgive you!.
if you steal from bob; only bob (the injured party) can forgive you.
: The only answer I can think of, from a "mystical" standpoint which you probably won't like, is that "God" is not someone else ultimately.
I like this. It adds some reason to the forgiveness picture.
A person is never forgiven until they forgive themselves. Which is true.
steve -
Skeptical of the Apostates Motivation
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: georgia, "times new roman", times, serif; font-size: 18px; } .style2 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-size: 16px} --> skeptical of the apostates motivationmy best friend presented a hard-hitting question about former jehovahs.
he believes that many individuals leave the truth because it is hard; and they look for any miscue to escape the organization and their responsibility to god.
Interesting point wanderer. My mother has used this on all of us who left. It total bunk though. For the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses who choose to leave, do so with full knowledge of the shunning consequences. They do so knowing the pain of their decision for both themselves and the people they leave in the book club.
steve -
Let's Review: How the Watchtower Society Uses Quickbuilds to Make More $$$
by under_believer ini posted something similar to this in another thread, but i decided that this is an important subject, and something that a lot of people don't realize, so i expanded it into its own post.
and we can always use a review now and then, so that lurkers, active witnesses, and newly ex-witnesses can catch up.
according to the watchtower society, one of the best examples of god's holy spirit operating on the organization is the building program.
under_believer, I've heard that the society owns the buildings, but do you have any scanned references for this. I understand, that as the loaner, they own the property until payment in full, but, after full payment, how owns the property?
steve -
What will they do when the blood ban has no meaning ?
by A Paduan inpeople will invent ways of making blood, eventually, no doubt.
they will probably have synthetic substitutes for the short term and be able to grow or clone it off our own dna or something before too long.
so what will the org do for martyrs and publicity then ?
GaryBuss has it right here : They know how to do it. They don't change the blood doctrine, they just change the shunning doctrine. That's the credibility saving way to do it and they are well on the way. I'm glad they're doing it.
They have already dropped its acceptance from the Baptismal requirements. It's already, mostly, a conscience decision. They will never say they were wrong about this, just. "if your conscience allows it, Jehovah will judge you, not us".
steve -
Not talking about JW stuff has the opposite effect - regression phase
by truthseeker ini decided to take the advice of some of you here when i wrote about my situation.. i am married, but my wife is a die hard witness.
despite me showing her mountains of evidence and her actually accepting it, she is regressing back into jw think.. this has happened since i stopped mentioning anything anti-jw.. now she thinks that my problems with jw's were just a phase because i am not bringing up the issue anymore.. i really want to leave this religion, but i can't do that without losing her.. many here i know are trapped and some are still serving as elders.
i don't know how you do it, but i guess routine is routine.
I would recommend you both entering couple therapy. Not only will it help you communicate the truth with each other, it will also give you both a more balanced (non-fundametalist) common ground mediator.
Let her know it is because of how important it is to you, and how much you love her.
steve -
UPDATE!: THEY ALL ADMITTED EGGING US -Elders now know, heads are rolling!!
by Lady Liberty inoh.... how the saga goes on!!
i swear we could write a novel about our life exiting the watchtower!!
ok..many of you read what happened..our house was egged and so was my sisters car that was parked here, and "frosty" was attacked!!
Lady Lib, imagine if you were a JW and moved into the area, only to have your house egged. What would you do? You'd press charges. The same applies here. JW's live in a cocoon of responsibility and consequence. Their ultimate head of authority is the elders / governing body not the law. This is needs to be addressed.
Whatever you and your husband choose to do, this story's been a hoot. Thanks for sharing.
steve -
by Lady Liberty inunbelieveable!!!.
well, that was unbelieveable!!
just after i posted our latest ordeal with our jw neighbors, and their jw friends pulling down our frosty, egging our house and car, we got a knock on the door!
Lady Lib, do you expect this to be given as an "experience" at an assembly?
steve -
Urban Legend Experience JW Style
by moomanchu inenjoy:.
a shepherding call where one word was never spoken but was .
and the moral is: Either chill out or return to Hell !
steve -
YouTube video: On Shunning
by seattleniceguy ini'm starting to get the hang of this video thing.
i'm really happy with this video on the practice of shunning, as experienced by me on both sides of the fence.
i'm not angry - i'm just letting the facts be known.
You get a good for 'use of illustrations', but, next time I think we're going to get you to work on 'gestures'.
Good work, Nice vBlog.