by Terry 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    It is little understood by Christians what a difference there is between themselves and Judaism; especially on the matter of whom God forgives and why.

    A Christian expects to sin against many people in the course of their life, but; proudly boasts that they aren't "perfect just forgiven." This is wrong by Judaism's ethical, moral and theologic standards.

    Let me explain why.

    In Judaism; only the person you sin against can forgive you!

    If you steal from Bob; only Bob (the injured party) can forgive you. Or, not.

    You cannot cut Bob out of the picture and go over his head, so to speak, and get your invisible buddy in the sky, God, to forgive ON BEHALF of Bob.

    No, according to Judaism, the wronged party holds the key to your forgiveness and your obligation is to him.

    The law of the Talon was a law of Justice because of the balance between the injury and the restoring of the injured party to equity. Fairness was key.

    There was a system of fines, service and payback that would compensate a victim fairly.

    In Christianity no such theology exists!

    You can steal, fornicate, lie, cheat and commit mayhem and then turn to God and be forgiven by displaying a penitent heart. Even so late as on your deathbed in many cases. Yet, the people who you took from, injured, belittled, wronged and destroyed have no say in this transaction! The suffer the wrongs and God makes it even-steven on the scale of justice!

    In Judaism murder is the unforgiveable sin. Why? Because the injured party NO LONGER EXISTS in order to forgive you!

    This is the mis-step in Christian theology as it exists today and has long been taught. The victim is a mere nothing and the welfare of the wrongdoer is more important to God!

    Christian Justice is not well thought out by any stretch of the imagination.

    For example, kindness which is NOT DESERVED (grace) is given, so it is taught, by God. The undeserving recipient gets the boon of grace without earning it, meriting it in any way or making restitution to the victims of his sins.

    On what basis can this be called Justice? Why, none at all! It is a kind of inert magic trick. Do your wrongs, then; utter the magic words and all is forgiven!

    Isn't it apparent that the justice of Judaism is more ethical than that of Christianity because of the balance of fairness as regards victims?

    Not one person in 100 can tell you what the sin against the Holy Spirit is or even WHY it exists.

    But, the unforgiveable sin in Judaism makes perfect sense.

    Am I advocating Judaism by this post? No, not personally.

    I'm asking you to consider that Christianity is supposedly an improvement on Judaism; a more perfect realization of God's dealings with mankind, and yet--makes no sense whatsoever in terms of equity, balance, fairness or goodness.


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    As always great post terry. I was watching the history channel and they were talking about the ten commandments and explaining that those commands were merely a code of conduct to ensure peacefull tribeal coexistance.

    "I'm asking you to consider that Christianity is supposedly an improvement on Judaism; a more perfect realization of God's dealings with mankind, and yet--makes no sense whatsoever in terms of equity, balance, fairness or goodness."

    It is now my belief that christainity is merely a means to smooth over the rough spots of the hebrew god. While the hebrew god is vengefull and exacting ( as needed to deal with hard headed and stiff necked people) The christian god is kind and mercifull. The judaic way of dealing with transgression was indeed fair and just.

  • JeffT

    Have you considered the possibility that you're hanging out with the wrong bunch of "Christians." I've been associated with a Christian church (which is associated with several others in the area) for seventeen years, and I've never heard anything like what you're going on about.

  • Morocco

    Great topic! It makes absolute perfect sense.

  • GoingGoingGone
    In Judaism murder is the unforgiveable sin. Why? Because the injured party NO LONGER EXISTS in order to forgive you!

    Someone guilty of manslaughter in ancient Isreal had to go to the nearest City of Refuge and stay there until the high priest died. Don't know who forgave him, though, when he came back.


  • gumby

    Terry....but.....but.....but what about the guilt offering and the sin offering that the priests made to god in behalf of all the people with the goat and the bull.....wasn't that an offering that covered sins that didn't require physical restitution??

    Gumby......who just adores your boobs

  • juni

    I knew you'd be drooling over Terry's boobs Gumbster. You need help!

    Good post Terry. It does make perfect sense even if Gumbro had to throw in a wrench.


  • Honesty

    If you steal from Bob; only Bob (the injured party) can forgive you. Or, not.

    You cannot cut Bob out of the picture and go over his head, so to speak, and get your invisible buddy in the sky, God, to forgive ON BEHALF of Bob.

    No, according to Judaism, the wronged party holds the key to your forgiveness and your obligation is to him.


    I got a little high just reading 2 sentences about myself.

    No wonder the Governing Body members are so arrogant.

    They have entire articles devoted to them that 6 million adoring followers instantly devour.

    BTW, Y'all are all forgiven for stealing from me but I do expect restitution.

  • onacruse

    How about this:

    God cannot forgive you for what God made you to be (or not be)?

    The immediate and (threatened) subsequent punishments imposed upon ordinary "sin" are sociological constructs, perpetuated by religious and cultural traditions, and enforced by political engines, which merely serve to maintain the status quo of human communities.

    As are also, the promises of compliance with those constructs, though not demonstrable.


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Yes but it also served the purpose of foreshadowing the slaughtrer of the lamb jesus christ and the provisions that were made for our salvation. I don't know for sure but I think this stopped when Jesus arrived and fulfilled the mosaic law.

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