Randy, the listing of the Watchtower is part of a GENERAL list of known NGO's. It doesn't look like WANGO membership list. To see the WANGO membership list you have to log in.
JoinedPosts by stevenyc
Watchtower--NGO With WANGO!
by Dogpatch inwatchtower--ngo with wango!
if the watchtower society truly believes in a "new world" then why are they joining organizations that are attempting to make this old one better?
activitieswango is unique in regularly bringing together a prestigious, international leadership of non-governmental organizations, as well as other prominent leaders, representing diverse nations, perspectives, and realms of activity, and who are integrally involved in advancing world peace and creating a better society and world.
Watchtower--NGO With WANGO!
by Dogpatch inwatchtower--ngo with wango!
if the watchtower society truly believes in a "new world" then why are they joining organizations that are attempting to make this old one better?
activitieswango is unique in regularly bringing together a prestigious, international leadership of non-governmental organizations, as well as other prominent leaders, representing diverse nations, perspectives, and realms of activity, and who are integrally involved in advancing world peace and creating a better society and world.
Randy, I'm using a Mac so I am unable to highlight the obvious bits, but I would recommend downloading this :
In Part:
Section 2. Purposes.
The World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations adopts as its mandate the following purposes and objectives:
1. To unite NGOs worldwide in the cause of advancing world peace, as well as well-being at all levels – individual, family, society, nation, and world;
2. To assist its member organizations in accomplishing their tasks relative to creating a better society and world: economically, socially, environmentally, politically, and morally;
3. To empower its worldwide membership by acting as one strong and unified voice in advancing conflict resolution and moral solutions to pressing global, national, and social problems;
4. To serve its member organizations by acting as a spokesperson on issues of mutual concern, by working in partnership with the United Nations and other intergovernmental bodies to
voice concerns and advance objectives of the membership, and by providing forums for interaction and exchange of information among its members;
5. To unite NGOs worldwide in support of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with particular emphasis on promoting (a) human dignity, as outlined in
Article 1, (b) universality of human rights, as outlined in Article 2, (c) the family, as outlined in Article 16, and (d) religious freedom, as outlined in Article 18;
6. To give an international voice to smaller NGOs, including NGOs from developing countries and countries with economies in transition;
7. To provide international conferences and symposia as a foundation for the building of moral and healthy individuals, families, societies, and nations; and
8. To publish conference proceedings, position papers, monographs, reports, newsletters, and journals as a service to the membership and the world community; and
9. To engage in any other activities for which non-profit corporations may be organized under federal and state law and which are considered consistent with the
mission and purposes of the Association.
steve -
WTS still an NGO in US?
by ICBehindtheCurtain inhi all: i came across something very interesting, in looking at this pdf there is a list of ngo's that attended for some conference on anti-semitism and guess who is on there?
if you scroll down you will find that in belgium the wts (under their european christian jehovah's witness umbrella) but if you scroll down to the us section you will find that they show up as the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, so apparently as of 2005 when this conference was held, they were still an ngo, does anyone else know about this?.
Any organization, which is non-governmentant is, by definition, a Non-Governmental Organization.
The Watchtower Society is an NGO, and there is nothing wrong by their standards in being an NGO in itself. The UN fiasco was that they were affiliated with the united nations as an "associated" NGO. And, signing a document agreeing to ALL the principles of the UN, on a least two occasions. And providing the UN with proof of disseminating the message of the UN. VERY damming indeed.
steve -
Experts on 607 BCE--How do you make the point simply and effectively?
by whyizit ini have been going back and forth via email with a jw friend.
the subject got around to 607 bce, so i asked her if she could find a non-wts source to prove that date.
of course, she writes back telling me about all the complicated info.
In response to Jeffro, both of his comments are common responses to the facts. You reply could be something like this:
:They will argue that their publications were just repeating what info was available to them at the time of writing, not that they necessarily agree with it.
Ask the JW to show you the 'new' evidence, they can't because there isn't any.
:Then they will allege that there were additional (fictional) intervening kings that aren't mentioned in the secular records (or the bible for that matter).
Then ask them, who do you believe, the bible (Gods word), or the watchtower (mans word).
steve -
Camera rolling..............take 2.......
by ButtLight inok, this clip was 30 min long, so i had to edit and cut out stuff.
we set it up on the tripod, and left for about 15-20 min.
then went down and talked to the orbs/dust/glitch/bugs.......(oh and infrared waves).
BL, I've seen this many times, so to let you know that it ain't something weird, the next time it happens, put your hand across the little red infrared bulb. They'll disappear.
What you are seeing is probably reflection from entities reflecting light back to your camera. What those entities are don't know.But spirits ain't physical so they don't reflect anything.
If you want to have some fun, and work out what is causing the unknown whizzes that your infrared cutout filter is picking up, them I'll be glad to help.
steve -
Another Hurdle
by brainfcked inwith the help of this discussion forum and the internet i can honestly admit to myself that the jws do not have the truth.
so now i know that god is not going to destroy me "really soon" and i am not spiritually dead even though i was df'd in 1976. being raised jw from the age of 5 with a zealous mother and un believing father was not easy.
but, that's a whole other story.. the hurdle here is, even though the jw armegeddon obviously is not impending..... how long will it take mankind to obliterate ourselfs with wmds?
brainfcked, first off, welcome to the forum.
The feeling of impending doom is something that every Jehovah's Witness lives with throughout their involvement with this organization and their exit. What you are experiencing is very normal. Your not crazy or deluded. You have been exposed to a compelling idea, wrapped in a deceit and misinformation. You may know that what you have been taught is incorrect, but the some of the controls imbedded in you will be with you beyond your basic realization of "this ain't right". One of those controls is that the world is about to destroy itself.
Here's news for you. People have thought their world was going to destroy itself, imminently, throughout history.
In fact, the biggest real destruction of humanity happened to people, which endangered all humanity, nearly 400 years ago.
What you feeling is okay. It's what happens to people involved with the watchtower, or any other imminent destruction sect.
You'll be okay, just talk to people who have been through the same situation as yourself.
steve -
The arrogant skeptic thread....
by heathen inthis is the place for all you arrogant skeptics to post all the things you don't believe in so you can stop harassing posters on other threads involving the paranormal, after all you are smarter than the rest of us .....................
Constant, but, I'm afraid the work is pro bon-um only.
steve -
The arrogant skeptic thread....
by heathen inthis is the place for all you arrogant skeptics to post all the things you don't believe in so you can stop harassing posters on other threads involving the paranormal, after all you are smarter than the rest of us .....................
No TS, you got the 'lifetime achievement' award.
steve -
The Light Gets Brighter
by searching99 ini was thinking about this today after reading some post regarding how the organization has been incorrect with the date of the end of the system and really anything else.
i always remember the "answer" being: jehovah causes the light (a better understanding of his plan) to get brighter.
i always wondered why it was so unclear the first time around.
It comes from Prov 4:18,
(NIV)The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, ? shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
(NWT) "But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established."
It has nothing to do with doctrine at all. It's a bunch of proverbs about the path of wisdom.
steve -
Would an apology be enough?
by Big Tex ini read this article and got goosebumps.
i've long since put to rest the old demons of my childhood.
what happened, happened but that was 40 years ago and i've gone through hell and come out the other side.
Interesting thought Big Tex. I would like to think I was man enough to accept his apology, if I felt it sincere. However, my gut still tells me that I would probably beat the crap out of him, and feed him his weapon of violence.
What makes this question interesting for me is that I feel I'm over the incidents. Some years of counseling and JWD have helped me understand what happened, the ability to talk about it, and move on. However, I still know, in my gut, I'm very angry what he did to a ten year old child under his roof.