Great thread. And something that is rarely mentioned, but a huge part in leaving any organization. Even living a place of employment brings this emotion, so leaving an insular environment does create that 'empty' feeling.
For me it was a bit of a double whammy as I not only left the JW family, but I also left the belief in God. For some time I felt spiritually lonely. I had dropped my comfort blanket.
I prepared myself by spending more time with friends outside the organization. Trusting 'outsiders'. These people are still my closest friends, even separated by the Atlantic, we're all still very close.
Preparation is the key. There is a poster on this board who explained to me and the wife how he prepared for his exit. His prep is good advice to anyone about to leave. Not only did he start befriending outsiders, but, and to his emphasis more importantly, he prepared himself financially. His support group was about to get the boot, so he made sure he could support himself first.
JoinedPosts by stevenyc
Do You Miss Your Sense of Belonging?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-size: 20px; font-family: georgia, "times new roman", times, serif; color: #000000; } .style2 { font-size: 18px; font-family: georgia, "times new roman", times, serif; color: #000000; } .style5 { font-size: 12px; color: #003366; } .style6 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #003366; } .style7 { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; } --> do you miss your sense of belonging?what i miss is the sense of belonging and camaraderie that came with .
being one of jehovahs witnesses.
does this mean that i would return?
Death of a generation
by onacruse interry's thread got me to thinking about this.. one of the characteristics of the wts is to "weather the storm" of a major disappointment, and, as evidenced by the last two major cycles, count on the death (as much in a literal sense as a figurative one) of the generation of jws that went through that debacle...and thence to recommence with the eschatological emphasis as if nothing had happened.. the post-1925 period is perhaps even more exemplative of this than the post-1914 period, because a good many bible students, grasping at every straw to salvage their belief system, swallowed the chronological recalculations and jubilee-cycle antitype interpretations, which extended 1914 to 1925. but 1925 was the last straw for most of them.
it initiated a major revolt among the rank-and-file (and especially the elders...the leaders of "that generation") which haunted the wts for the next 20 years, and a chronological review of the watchtower articles and books during the entire rutherford period shows a preoccupation with vilifying those who dared to remind of that debacle.. with the 50s came a major expansion in the wts, and a consequent dilution of that disillusioned group.
those that were still alive, and who were still jws, had by that time invested so much of their lives into that way of life that...well, how could they find the muster to dump off 40 years of life energy and say, finally, "well, i was wrong, wasn't i?
I can remember some time back as a kid I looked up "Jehovah's Witness" in an encyclopedic dictionary. As part of the definition is said "also know as Russellites". I asked my mother about this. She is a second generation Jw. Her mother started studying in the early '40's, so she was indoctrinated with the tail end of the Rutherford smear campaign. Her response was: "The Russellites wanted to worship the man and turned their back on Jehovah". I wonder if a kid asking their parents today would receive a similar response.
steve -
The "Creation of Eve" and the interval affecting 1975
by Terry inthe watchtower, may 1, 1975, said of a watchtower bible school of gilead graduation held on march 2, 1975: (italics added).
another speaker, f. w. franz, the society's vice- president, forcefully impressed on the audience the urgency of the christian preaching work.
he stressed that, according to dependable bible chronology, 6,000 years of human history will end this coming september according to the lunar calendar.
Teryy, I can remember a watchtower (ahmm) study around '85 that implied the time since '75 was related to the time it took Adam to name all the animals. I don't have the WT CD with me at the moment so I can't double check.
steve -
My mom replies concerning UN/ JWs. Need your help.
by *jeremiah* inin short, my mom's a die hard jw.
my brother was never baptised and, although he doesn't believe or go to the kh anymore, my mom still has a relationship with him.
thus he decided to email the following to our mom and her reply is below.. what i want to know is,...what would be an excellent reply for my brother to use in response to her comment?
J, one extra point to add to this thread is that associated NGO's have to 're-apply' for membership every four years. Showing that they are PROMOTING the UN, and STILL meeting the criteria for membership. They did this in twice. It was also a lie that you had to be associated to gain access to the library, this only became necessary after 9/11.
steve -
CO/DO's in the UK?
by pobthespazz incan anyone compile a list of as many as possible past and present co/do's from the uk?
BluesBrother, thanks for the memories. I've been racking my brain for weeks, and I just couldn't remember his name. Tom Maltby. I wonder if he's dead. This guy was one of the most pig headed bigots I ever met in the Org. IMHO.
steve -
WAC needs help. Things were going good until the Elder showed up
by What-A-Coincidence inbackground: the fam.
is doing the fade.
everyone but mom (30 years in the org) is completely convinced that it's a scam.
WAC, would she read CoC ? When you understand that it's a bunch of men driving the Org and not God, you out.
steve -
What happened to AlanF
by toreador inanybody heard from him lately?
i havent seen a post from him in a long time.. tor.
AlanF has done some "deeper" research into the whole 607 historical debate and discovered that 3rdWitness had more rational to his argument than he realized. So, since then he has been in meditative discussion with 3rdWitness and scholar, and has decided to reinstate himself, and to (as part of the reintroduction terms) post youtube broadcasts explaining the "truth" including "The facts of the flood", "Why blood is good for the Devil", "Beards are for perverts", and the upcoming and wholly awaited "You like kids in a special way, get 'em here".
steve -
Screw You Watchtower I love my MAN!!!!! My Sex God from Croatia!!!
by ClaireManEater inwell i got disfellowshiped for "immorality".
me and my girl friend went to europe and eventually ended up in croatia.
(what a beautiful place by the way).
This is from SteveNYC's wife.
Croatian men. All gods! Especially the ones on the Dalmacian Coast. Enjoy. And the coffee with "slag". Yum. You are definitely making me long for my youth. I spent a lot of time in Croatia during the war. One of the most beautiful people I ever got to meet.
Anyway, welcome to the JW, even though I'm not a member. I'm a little clueless about the cult, brought up and still am mostly agnostic and jewish, but from what I can take it's a great place to chat with fantastic people.
Cheers -
Please help with techno skills!!
by J-ex-W ini have been trying and trying to figure out how to do some things on this board that others seem to have down pat.
how do i cut and paste or whatever so that i can show someone else's quote or partial quote before my response?
you know--the boxed quotes i keep seeing.
rolling rock: Why is that there is just no quote option, like there is on all the other forums I belong too?
There is. As long as you're on a PC, or using IE
steve -
Please help with techno skills!!
by J-ex-W ini have been trying and trying to figure out how to do some things on this board that others seem to have down pat.
how do i cut and paste or whatever so that i can show someone else's quote or partial quote before my response?
you know--the boxed quotes i keep seeing.
J-ex-W: ..Now how do I get the quote to go into the quote box?
Put your cursor into the box and then paste.