I live in a security condo where you need a code to unlock the doors or ring someone up to buzz you in. Needless to say, I never see them.
JoinedPosts by zeroday
When were the dubs last in your area?
by ozziepost in.
it seems that the visiting witnessing group is becoming an endangered species - rarely seen.. is that your experience?.
when were the dubs last in your area?
Odd announcements at meetings/conventions
by POs Son in.
ok, here is one to enjoy:
what odd, silly, embarassing, inappropriate or just plain weird announcements have you heard at meetings, conventions and assemblies?
During a service meeting on local needs an elder gets up to the podium and then someone turns off all the lights in the hall. He then pulls out a flashlight and begins to read his announcement. "If we don't receive enough donations this is how we will be conducting our meetings."
Two types of elder?????
by chuckyy inits my experience after actually being an elder for a number of years that there are in fact...two types of elder.. type 1....genuine, actually cares about the people in the congregation and wasn't actually bothered too much if he became an elder or not.. type 2....very legalistic, cares more about organizational laws rather than people and lacks compassion and empathy.
this type is more of a spiritual policeman.
he wanted desperately to be an elder and now that he is, he loves the sense of power and prestige.. this has been my experience and if there are more type 2 elders on a body, the results can be disastrous.. what has been your experience???
We had a type 2 to the extreme. Every time he had a part you would cringe. He would beat every one over the head. Never an upbuilding talk always negative and berating. I would have to agree with everyone here. We had a PO that was actually a Cong Servant from the 50's and had the attitude to match. We had a very nice type 1 elder, someone you could approach on any subject and he was very caring. Then one night out of the blue it was announced he had stepped down as elder. Never did know the reason why. Our body of elders for the most part were very arrogant. You just couldn't hardly approach them or talk to them.
Watchtower Book Shelf CD-ROM...
by zeroday ini see that "quotes.
watchtower.ca" is no longer selling this cd.
does anyone know where i could get a copy.
Watchtower Book Shelf CD-ROM...
by zeroday ini see that "quotes.
watchtower.ca" is no longer selling this cd.
does anyone know where i could get a copy.
I don't believe this is the official Watchtower CD. They state "These works are not on the Watchtower Society's official Watchtower Library CD".
Watchtower Book Shelf CD-ROM...
by zeroday ini see that "quotes.
watchtower.ca" is no longer selling this cd.
does anyone know where i could get a copy.
I see that "Quotes. Watchtower.ca" is no longer selling this cd. Does anyone know where I could get a copy.
Disfellowshiped for reading Crisis of Conscience?
by Blueblades inis it true?
can you be disfellowshiped for reading crisis of conscience?
is that why some have read it in the library out of sight of other witnesses and elders themselves read it in secrecy?.
I know for a fact you can be disfellowshipped for reading this book. I know of people that have been. You could be right it might depend on your body of elders and if you show a repentant attitude but you can and it has happened.
We Should Encourage "Lurkers" To Post Here!
by minimus ini would like to say that any of you that read this board are more than welcomed to be a part of this group.
i know some of you are afraid.
some of you are unsure.
What astounds me about the WTS is they will fight tooth and nail for their rights. ie freedom of religion, speech, freedom of the press but when it comes to their adherants they can be disfellowshipped for mearly reading a book, "Crisis of Consience". Such a double standard.
We Should Encourage "Lurkers" To Post Here!
by minimus ini would like to say that any of you that read this board are more than welcomed to be a part of this group.
i know some of you are afraid.
some of you are unsure.
I was alot like that, just driving on cruise control. After 1995 and "this generation" I just went along with it all. As a good JW I would never dare to question anything i was told. Then another incident happened that so disturbed me that I had to take aother look at it all. One year ago I had a cousin that had been an Elder for many years. He was a verbally abusive person to his wife and 3 children all JW's. A very arrogant person and very power hungry. Well to make a long story short she divorced him, a person can only take so much. It was not a spiritual divorce so he could not remarry. He stepped down as elder and about 6 months later5 somehow, according to him, found himself in bed with another single sister. How many here know of quite a few JW couples that have done exactly that. I'm not setting myself up as judge but all of them were disfellowshipped and after a period of time reenstated if they wanted to. We all know this as a JW divorce. Just like Catholics and their annulments. Well low and behold he and her were not disfellowshipped. According to him, he thinks they "felt sorry for him" and they were public reporved and allowed to marry. I was in total shock. What magnified it was 23 years before this his sister also a JW married a brother who not only verbally abused her but beat her to a pulp on a number of occasions and no judicial action was ever taken well she ran off with another brother and they were both disfellowshipped with absolutely no mercy shown. They are to this day. That pushed me over the edge.
We Should Encourage "Lurkers" To Post Here!
by minimus ini would like to say that any of you that read this board are more than welcomed to be a part of this group.
i know some of you are afraid.
some of you are unsure.
I've been lurking here for about 6 months now. I DA'ed myself June of 2004 after 28 years. A lot of things contributed to it. I think 1914 and "this generation" finally did it. I began looking back to old WT literature and was stunned at what I found. 1975 especially disturbed me. I was baptized in the summer of 1976 so I was not intuned to the 1975 fiasco. I was shocked to read in the July 15, 1976 Watchtower:
"Or are we becoming weary in well-doing, looking for a certain date primairly as bring a relief to ourselves, with little concern for the lives of other people?"
"It may be that some who have been serving God have planned their lives according to a mistaken view of just what was to happen on a certain date or in a certain year."
"But they have missed the point of the Bible's warning concerning the end of this system of things, thinking that Bible chronology reveals the specific date"
"If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises."
"However, say that you are one who counted heavily on a date, and, commendably, set your attention more strictly on the urgency of the times and the need of the people to hear. And say you now, temporarily, feel somewhat disappointed; are you really the loser? Are you really hurt? We believe you can say that you have gained and profited by taking this conscientious course. Also, you have been enabled to get a really mature, more reasonable viewpoint."