I think people are getting tired of your ranting...just vote november 4 and go on with your life...
JoinedPosts by zeroday
Tophat's right, we need a civil war..LOL!
by dawg inso, i'm working on a guy's machine today, he starts to talk politics... he says something about the democrats being responsible for the housing problems... "that damned bill clinton" or something like that.
when i start to explain the fact that this mess was caused by both parties and the effects lobbyists have on the system, he gets heated and starts back in on the democrats... lol!
i realize very quickly that he's another bts, tophat, or gregor, and there's really no need to continue.
NOW that JWD is ending where is everyone going...
by zeroday inhave you joined other exjw discussion boards if so list them here....
Have you joined other exJW discussion boards if so list them here....
Would You Have NOT Given Blood To A Family Member While a JW?
by minimus ini would not have given blood.
and if my jw mom did not want blood, i would respect her wishes, too--- even now.
So, would YOU give blood now to a JW relative that trusted you not to ???
LET them DIE...they have a death wish...Jehober will resurrect them anyway so who cares...I don't...
Biden's mother in law dies...
by zeroday ini'm really sorry to hear that my thoughts go out to him and his family.... .
I'm really sorry to hear that my thoughts go out to him and his family...
The Republicans WILL get back in! An October Surprise is coming!
by yadda yadda 2 inyou can guarantee there will be an october surprise that will scare the us public into voting bush mark ii in, john mccain.. its going to be one of the following (or a slight variation thereof): .
another bin laden message, like we saw a few days before the 2004. bin laden's fortuitous appearance swung the vote in favour of bush, something now widely admitted.an assassination of a prominent european leader like the british pm, brown.more likely, it will be an attack on iran by israel which will provoke iran and hezbollah into retaliating against israel, which will serve as a pretext for the us to help defend israel, and the american brainwashed public will of course vote for a strong, military leader like john mccain.or it will just be hezbollah alone, who are now armed to the teeth courtesy of iran, to start firing a few missiles into israel on the eve of the election...same scenario ensues as above.the us people are totally brainwashed and will vote on fear of terrorism every time now...all that has to be done is to trigger that primal fear again and mccain will sweep in, just like the most stupid and worst us president there ever was unbelievably did in 2004. the financial crisis will quickly be forgotten when the october surprise happens..
THE October suprise is the New York Times front page news..."Totally unsubstantiated rumor McCain had an affair with a staffer" or sorry that's been done...how about this..."Obama chums with known American Terrorist William Aryes"... nah the public would never buy it...BUT Palin did have her 15 year old daughters baby...
OJ Simpson...GUILITY!!!!!!!!!!
by zeroday inhttp://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=d93jgue80&show_article=1
Do You Think George W. Bush Still Drinks?
by minimus ini ask because sometimes he looks like he's in more a stupor than normal.. interestingly, yesterday he said he was going to "meet with his advisers and the president".....was he talking about himself?
I mentioned it because some people were talking up an amendment to that he could run for a third term.
WHO are these some people...
Does anyone have the current WT Library CD...
by zeroday indoes anyone have a current wt library cd that they can make a copy and send to me...if so please pm me...
Does anyone have a current WT Library CD that they can make a copy and send to me...if so please PM me...
Every year we have a Secret Santa where you put your name in the list and you are given someone to send a secret santa gift and you receive one from someone else...