JoinedTopics Started by MarkAnthony
Does the bible say that there is ONLY one true religion................
by MarkAnthony in.......or only true belivers?
Friends husband may be dying, would like to find good bible quote to send
by MarkAnthony inmy friends husband just a quad by-pass and is not doing to well.
they live 2,000 miles away and i would like to find a fitting quote to send in a card.
uplifting and positive, yet reflective their time togeather and of what may come.
So I asked my JW friend.........
by MarkAnthony inso i asked my jw friend, if her younger sister chose to date/marry a man who was not jw, would she shun her like i have read here?
she responded by saying that her sis would never do that....... .
i responded by asking again....what if she did?
How do you deprogram a JDub? Is it even possable?
by MarkAnthony ini have a 25y/o coworker who seems to fit the typical mold of a jw:
born in 25 years ago.
father is an elder.
Need help in discussing the blood issue with some friends.........
by MarkAnthony ini got into a debate with 2 other friends (one a mormon and the other jw, i'm rc) about the blood transfusion issue.
the jw friend cited: genesis 9:4,16 leviticus 7:26,27 & 17:14 acts 15:28,29 & 21:25
i cannot for the life of me see how anyone can read those and honestly beleve that what was ment was to reject blood to save life!
OK, So I'm thinking about becoming a witness.
by MarkAnthony ini was raised roman catholic but stopped going about 25 years ago.
i was talking with someone i work with who is a jw and suggested i might look into it.
so here i am.............