I'm 21 years old and currently in a relationship with a baptised JW. I have been studying with the JWs for 2 years before we met. Well, I have to admit, I did not enjoy studying with them until about 10 months ago when I became interested of digging the "truth" although it means my sources was only the JW. 5 months ago I met my boyfriend in a visit to Bethel. I did not know him that much yet I agreed that we could establish a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship and use the time that we are together to know each other. Recently, I have been discussing with my brother about the JW(my family members are not JWs) and he suggested that I'd do a research about the JW and he concluded that after I'm done, I would be convinced that none of the religions are true. I agreed to do research and found about this site(been to freeminds.com too)...my gosh...it was hard to accept the things the exJWs say about the organization because I have to admit, I swallowed up everything the JW told me, about blood transfusion, disfellowshipping, etc...etc...Now I am confused, the elders have approved of my being an unbaptized publisher (before I begun to have doubts) and my boyfriend is expecting me to get baptised. When I asked him what quality he loves about me the most, he told me...number one,you serve Jehovah. He told me that before we met he had no plans of courting a non-JW because he always felt guilty before (because he had a non-JW girlfriend) when he attended meetings. He broke up with his first girlfriend because she was a non-JW although he claimed she's a good person. He is my first boyfriend...you may say 5 months is too fast but I really love him. Now that I do have doubts about the organization, I still plan to attend meetings but certainly I do not have plans of getting attached or baptised. I haven't told my boyfriend of my doubts...I'm so afraid...I've been with JWs for quite a long time and they do have that pride...they think they are the only truth. I'm thinking I'l just let him find his own doubts(I hope it will happen) because if I would be the one to initiate it, I would be labeled bad association. I do not want to leave him until he tells me to. I cannot think of a good excuse if he ask me why am I deferring my baptism.