Hello there and welcome! I too was raised a JW and I had many questions and this was just one of them. I say, DON'T do it until you feel lead by Holy Spirit. Then by all means, DO IT! Don't do anything until God speaks to your heart and you know what is right for you. Being baptized a Christian is good anywhere. So if you get baptized in a river, pool, baptistry, it doesn't matter where. And as for the question of 'by whom', any baptized Christian can perform your baptism. It can be a priest, minister, or a strong Christian friend who I'm sure would be honored to do so. And yes, it can even be a woman! I was baptized by a minister in my best friends hot tub because it was the end of winter and still very cold. They heated it up, turned the bubbles off and I was dunked. Here's a picture...
JoinedPosts by Synergy
by searching4truth ini am still very uncertainabout many things and trying to sort through jw brainwashing and what i believe which is pretty difficult having been raised a jw.
so i am interested in other points of view.. that being said is babtism neccessary for a cristian?
is it scitural to think that to be aproved by god youshould be?
I have changed!!
by orangefatcat inyes this orangefatcat has changed to another spiritual path.
i was raised in the anglican church as a child i attended regualary with my beloved grandma.
she passed away in 1992, and when i left the organization in 1999 i had thoughts of perhaps going back to that way of faith.
PRAISE GOD!!! The angels in heaven are rejoicing and so am I. I am so proud of you and so happy for you. Yes, people can come from JWism and be happily fulfilled in a true church. I'm not Anglican but I have several friends that are. I am so happy for you. I too found a chuch home after leaving JW's and I was baptized about a year and a half ago. WOW what a feeling. And to share in your joy is awesome. Thank you so very much for sharing your joy with us so we can rejoice and praise God with you. Big hugs to you.
Evolution Question
by LtCmd.Lore ini have a scientific question that has to do with evolution that i've ment to ask, due to the recent awake:.
if two dwarfs mate and have a child, will the child be a dwarf?
what about two people with six fingers on each hand?
"This information is so basic it is taught in high schools, yet somehow manages to not register with the editors of the Awake magazine?"
May I remind you that the editors of the Awake! magazine dropped out of high school in 1974 because the end was coming in 1975. So my friend, they never made it to that class.
WT child abuse video
by Smiles inhere is video with j. r. brown, organizational spokesman for jehovah's witnesses and philip brumley, general counsel (lawyer) for jehovah's witnesses on the matter of how child abuse is treated with the congregations.. notice how j.r. brown says that the wt has taken "inititives" against child abuse over the past "10-15 years" and then later states that child "has become a burning issue in the last 20 or 30 years.
" that leaves over a decade that the wt took no "initiatives" on the "burning issue" of child abuse.. other j.r. brown statements:.
"crime is crime.".
What a crock of shit! When I was seven years old and molested by a ministerial servant the elders told my parents not to go to the police, not to go to doctors and IF they told anyone in the congregation they'd be disfellowshipped. Wonder why we're just getting this new light now?
Experience from a circuit assembly in Ft. Worth Texas
by What-A-Coincidence incurrently making the rounds i guess.... .
experience from a circuit assembly in ft. worth texas :.
a brother interviewed 4 people.
Here's a true experience from Tallahassee Florida.
JW family of generations, Father and Elder, Mother a Regular Pioneer, Daughter a Regular Pioneer. All crazy and the mother leaves and gets DF'd, about 4 years later the daughter becomes an apostate. The mother gets her GED at age 41 and then goes to technical school. The daughter then goes on to be the first in the family to go to college and get the first degree in several generations. She divorces her JW husband, leaving him open to sin since he no longer has a wife to get sex from, and he commits fornication so he gets DF'd and then gets engaged to the worldly woman he got df'd for fornicating with. The ex wife and the two children now go to church regularly and are happy being normal. So that's a total of five people out of the cult in one family in a five year period. Praise God!
***Applause, Applause*** sniffle, sniffle
What Great Resources Apostates Have - Created Bottom Up, Not Top Down!!
by Seeker4 ina couple of things got me thinking today.
i was reading jgnat's thread on responses to elders, and it reminded me of the reasoning book in some ways.
then i got to thinking about having access online to all of the elder's letters for decades, and websites with wts literature, copies of the un letter on the wts being a ngo and so much more.
Here! Here! A toast (with a large clanging of glasses) to all who post their free thoughts on this site!
What outward signs of apostacy are evident in your house?
by AK - Jeff inif the elders came and inspected your home - what would they find?.
a casual look around reveals a box of "narnia" tissues on my desk, 12 or 14 non-witness translations of bibles on my shelves, many non approved novels [wifey's] on the reading table, plenty of 'apostate literature', a book or two on meditation, a hypnosis cd for weight loss, prob many toys that are not witness approved in the g-kids room, a half eaten birthday cake, a birthday balloon, xmas wrapping paper in the closet , a couple of r rated movies, music that is not acceptable.. that is just at first blush.
how is your house?
Gosh, well let's see...
My books from seminary.
My collection of Bibles and none include the NWT.
My Cross Charm & My Star of David Charms
Decorations stored for every holiday.
My church bulletin.. yes I said BULLETIN!
My YMCA membership card.
My daughter's Girl Scout Schedule
My son's Boy Scout Schedule
A scrathed off lotto ticket
Pictures and figurines of Angels
And I'm sure there are more I just can't think of right now.
Letter from Dad
by Synergy ini love you so much.
i hope someday you'll read them so you know how i feel about you and how deep my love for you is.
each time i invite you to my house you say you're too busy to come.
Some that read this post thought it was my biological father. No, I wish I had a relationship with him. He told me to kill myself when I left the cult and has completely disowned me. However, God has written all of us the same letters 66/12 = 5.5, thus over five dozen letters. Expensive gifts = Jesus. The siblings we can't get along with are each other. The supper most decline at God's house is Communion/The Lord's Supper. God desires us to have a relationship with him.
I know posts like these incite many an athiest to ridicule. That is fine and I expect it. I write this for any and all who care to read it. Just as athiests and agnostics share their view that there is no God, I share my belief for anyone who cares or can benefit from it by being uplifted.
Blessings to believers and non believers alike.
Letter from Dad
by Synergy ini love you so much.
i hope someday you'll read them so you know how i feel about you and how deep my love for you is.
each time i invite you to my house you say you're too busy to come.
Thanks Captain. I'm glad it's appreciated. Religion makes me jaded too. I hate religion...I LOVE relationship. God never gave us a religion, he offered us a relationship. The Watchtower is enough to turn anyone from God but thankfully I left and now have a true relationship with him.
Letter from Dad
by Synergy ini love you so much.
i hope someday you'll read them so you know how i feel about you and how deep my love for you is.
each time i invite you to my house you say you're too busy to come.
My Dear Child,
I love you so much. I wonder why I never hear from you. I've written you over five dozen letters and I know you never read them. I hope someday you'll read them so you know how I feel about you and how deep my love for you is. I know you're very busy living your life but I hope one day you'll take time to read them.
Each time I invite you to my house you say you're too busy to come. I know you work hard. I know you're tired. If you just come over to my house I will take care of you. I will feed you and encourage you and do all I can to make you feel better.
I have asked you to come eat with me but you say you can eat at home alone. I ask you to join us at the table as a family but you tell me you can't get along with your siblings so you choose to leave me out too.
When people ask about me you act embarassed. It's like you don't want people to know we're related. Why can't you tell anyone that I'm your father? Are you that ashamed of me?
I've given you gifts of high price but you never thanked me. Didn't you even notice?
You call me only when you need help or you ask me to listen when no one else will. Can you call me when you have good news too? Do you only want to talk to me when something goes wrong in your life? I want to rejoice with you when you have good things happen too.
When you need advice you cry out to me. I give you answers but you don't listen. Then when things go wrong you blame me. I answer each time you call but you accuse me of ignoring you.
You don't let me visit your children at school and then you cry and ask me why I let them get into trouble there.
You don't let me visit you at work yet you blame me when projects fail or money is tight.
I'm never invited into your home to have a relationship with your family but you ask me how I could let your family fall apart? How could I stop it if I was never allowed to be around?
My dear child. I am not angry at you. I just love you. I want to be with you. I want to be involved in your life but I feel you push me away. What else can I do to show you how much I love you? If you invite me I promise I'll come. If you come over there will be food. If you ask for help I will give it. If you feel lonely I will walk beside you. If you are sad I will comfort you. No matter how far away you are, you can come home. If you can't make it on your own I'll pick you up and carry you home. Will you please return my calls, read my letters, come over for supper, invite me to your house - school - work, and make up with your siblings?
Love Always,
Abba Father a.k.a. Daddy