Thanks to you too Under Believer. The people of "the world" are so much more loving than our uh, Brotherhood. cough.
JoinedPosts by Synergy
Their Armageddon Faith Born From Desperation....
by metatron ini spoke with a well placed, highly responsible brother some weeks ago, who didn't care for my opinions about corruption "from the.
bottom all the way to the top" in the organization.
he defended the society against every accusation i made but was stopped short by one.
Their Armageddon Faith Born From Desperation....
by metatron ini spoke with a well placed, highly responsible brother some weeks ago, who didn't care for my opinions about corruption "from the.
bottom all the way to the top" in the organization.
he defended the society against every accusation i made but was stopped short by one.
Thanks A.S. I appreciate the support.
Their Armageddon Faith Born From Desperation....
by metatron ini spoke with a well placed, highly responsible brother some weeks ago, who didn't care for my opinions about corruption "from the.
bottom all the way to the top" in the organization.
he defended the society against every accusation i made but was stopped short by one.
Ok I thought I respected you but now I'm not so sure. You say they're the closest to God of anyone on the planet? They're a man made cult plain and simple. I was sexually molested hundreds of times by a ministerial servant in my KH from ages 6-7 and the Elders made us cover it up or my parents would've been disfellowhipped. Would you think they were so close to God if it was Megan? You let your daughter get almost raped by an old man in your Kingdom Hall week after week for over a year and be silenced and see how close you think those mother fuckers are. How 'bout this, better to die in this system and have the ressurection hope than to be an apostate and be killed at Armageddon. So my father tells me last year to kill myself... detailed of how to do it. "Just like Judas who hung himself and the branch broke and his intestines burst on the rocks below, that will be your fate Renee. Either you will realize what you've done and you'll do it to yourself or you'll wait until Armageddon and Jehovah will do it for you. Either way, I'll step over your dead body to get into the kingdom." Thus are the words of my Elder father in February of 2005. Real close to God Jason.
I was cheated out of a childhood. Forced to marry a brother at 17...Let's see, the Dept of Children and Families has interviewed us twice now because of his close to God is that?
I was publicly reproved after I was raped in 2000 because the Elders said I put myself in a bad situation so it was my fault. Tallahassee Police Special Victims Unit were much more sympethetic than my JC. Again I ask you is this close to God?
I get publicly reproved for being raped and no one even knows about it in our hall. But my husband can beat our children black and blue, drink up the money I make from three jobs, bounce checks until we go bankrupt, refuse to get a job, and I get disfellowshipped because I'm the foul fornicator who had an alduterous affair. That's close to God. Uh, what God do you think that's so close to?
My dad could drag me around by my hair and beat me with a leather belt if he thought I didn't have the right "heart condition" and I would be grounded for less than 90 hours in service at 12 years of age. Yes, I was FORCED against my will to be a regular pioneer from 12-14 with school books on my lap putting 90-115 hours of service in each month or disciplined if I didn't. Is that how you raise your children to be close to God?
My mother gained weight he took her food away and punished her. He was our Presiding Overseer. You think he got closer to God than the rest of us?
I'll pray for you to come to an even clearer light of the real Jesus. I've never been closer to God than I am now. JW's take Jesus off the Cross by trying to earn their salvation. I'm so glad to know now it's a free gift and the elders don't know everything. Jehovah's Witnesses ARE NOT CLOSER TO GOD THAN OTHERS! They're the most farthest away of anyone I know.
Social Hypocrisy vs. Doctrinal Hypocrisy
by Theocrat ini think you'll find the social kind in every church, club, or organization on earth.
you's the kind where people try to project themselves to be something that they really don't live up to when nobody is looking.
kinda like sunday angels and monday devils.
An Apostafest isn't a protest or a rally. It's a "gathering" for old friends who used to share the same religion. Just thinking of having a party.
Social Hypocrisy vs. Doctrinal Hypocrisy
by Theocrat ini think you'll find the social kind in every church, club, or organization on earth.
you's the kind where people try to project themselves to be something that they really don't live up to when nobody is looking.
kinda like sunday angels and monday devils.
Social Hypocrisy vs. Doctrinal Hypocrisy
by Theocrat ini think you'll find the social kind in every church, club, or organization on earth.
you's the kind where people try to project themselves to be something that they really don't live up to when nobody is looking.
kinda like sunday angels and monday devils.
Why are EX-JW's and JW's in doubt(faders) so ''afraid" of the elders?
by booker-t ini have been out for years now but i still tremble alittle when i run into an elder at the store or run into an elder on the street and my post question certainly applies to me as well but why do i still have fear of jw's elders?
i have been da'd for so many years but that fear still comes up.
and reading alot of the post here i still see ex-jw's and jw's faders living a pretended jw life or pretending to be happy when they are miserable in the wt.
I don't fear them any longer. I wondered if I still did and had to prove it to myself. That's why I went to the memorial, wore my "I gave blood" sticker, a cross necklace, spoke to everyone although they tried to stop me, and partook of them emblems after I made the sign of the cross in front of myself. May have been childish but I wanted to do something "on their turf" and not in their rules so they know they can't control me anymore. So now I feel the need never to go back and really don't ever think about "the elders".
Social Hypocrisy vs. Doctrinal Hypocrisy
by Theocrat ini think you'll find the social kind in every church, club, or organization on earth.
you's the kind where people try to project themselves to be something that they really don't live up to when nobody is looking.
kinda like sunday angels and monday devils.
I don't hate you either Theocrat...even though you couldn't talk to me when we went to the same KH and I was DF'd. I'm over it 'cause you're out. I want to have a North Florida Big Bend Apostafest soon, wanna come?
Father's Day Today
by Undecided inmy daughters are the sweetest girls alive.. they came over for father,s day and were so loving and careing.
i sure am fortunate to have them as my children.
i'm so happy that they came over for dinner.
I prayed for my father today that he'll find the truth about Jesus and we can have a relationship one day. And I thanked God for Him being my father.
The Devil couldn't have done a better job, assuming God inspired the Bible
by Spectrum inif you were a mean spirited, nasty supernatural being that wanted to reek havok on human civilisation how would you go about doing it?
inspire people to write several versions of a book, call it holy, then get people to slavishly follow the version that they prefer and die for it when they come in contact with a different version.
could a kind, all powerful, gracious god have ever inspired such a book.
God -our loving creator - inspired the Bible and gave us guidelines for a good life, salvation for when we mess up.
The Devil - with an axe to grind - inspired RELIGION and Cults. The Devil is in churches, good and bad ones. He is the one that messes with people's heads. Hate religion, hate human craziness and interpretaions but don't hate God.
Renee -Of the loves Jesus, hates religion class