Pathofthorns, Are you for real, American terrorists, what a load of shit. Timothy McVeigh was an asshole a sociopath and he hung around with a few others. He was after the government and didn't give a shit who got in the way. Terrorists attack innocent people that is their primary target. To call american members of militia groups terrorists is just plain bullooney. I didn't forget the Oklahoma City bombing I had a relative working in that building at the time who was injured so don't give me any of your shit. Now are you saying that members of militia groups are terrorists. What the hell do you call a government who fries little children a la Waco, Shoots mother holding a baby. What do you call them Freedom fighter perhaps??? Who attacked who who in those situations? So then who is the real terrorist organization. Who broke into a families house on Easter Morning and hijacked a little kid out of there with no legal basis. Remember they only had a warrant to see if he was there. Now who did that in commando style, huh!!! who?? Did that boy and his uncle attack the innocent people of america???? Putting labels on people because they are different from you is wrong, because another viewpoint is different from yours doesn't make it stupid it makes it different. I didn't insult you or attack you so don't attack me. Buff
JoinedPosts by buffalosrfree
What about US terrorist groups?
by tdogg inall of these speeches and tv specials with their analysts and experts but not once have i heard any mention of us terrorist groups.
we are trying to attack the outside world and those who harbor terrorism but i ask: what is the difference between armed men in training camps training to kill with hateful prejudice in say, sudan and the same camps we harbor in say, idaho?
yes, these places are for real and these people are only waiting for an opportunity to use their skills and weapons for their hateful fancies.
What about US terrorist groups?
by tdogg inall of these speeches and tv specials with their analysts and experts but not once have i heard any mention of us terrorist groups.
we are trying to attack the outside world and those who harbor terrorism but i ask: what is the difference between armed men in training camps training to kill with hateful prejudice in say, sudan and the same camps we harbor in say, idaho?
yes, these places are for real and these people are only waiting for an opportunity to use their skills and weapons for their hateful fancies.
tdogg, oh please to inform us of just how many people have those supposed terrorist in Idaho training camps KILLED. Huh how many???
How many planes in their arsenal???? HOw many of them have walked into crowded malls say and blown themselves up????? How many planes have they flown into buildings? HOw many embassies have they bombed, how many U.S. Ships have they blown holes in. Oh thats right none.
So don't go around putting names on people you obviously know nothing about. Buff -
Hi i am new
by rolling rock inhay all i am new and, just wanted to say hi.... and ask a question... how would i go about talking to my fokes about all the new "truths" that i have learned in the last few months?.
chad inactive jw for 9 years now.... thanks
Waiting, hi I went to the url and I didn't find the society listed at least under WTBTS are they listed in some other way???? Buff
Pentagon and the Bible
by Scorpion in>
interesting find.
now we know how to fire proof the house, and damage proof the cars.
Tick list for establishing whether a cult or not..
by Deacon in1/.milieu control: control of the group environment and communication .
2/.manipulation: leaders are perceived as being chosen by god, history or some supernatural force.
salvation can only be attained through the cult .
Hi Deacon, you forgot one:
14. Dish out bullshit at every opportunity and call it ministering.
added footnote: We are not a cult and you are not allowed to think that we are or we will spritually kill you.
9 6 2 1 count cadence. buff
Need Some Input
by Moridin infor the past few months i've been considering joining the army to help my family.
growing up as a jw i never went to college and don't have the money to go now.
i'm 24 years old and have a wife of five years and a four year old daughter.
Moridin, joining the Army, being scared of boot camp, why be ascared??? I went through army boot camp many years ago Vietnam era and it was one of the most exciting and funny experiences of my life, I enjoyed it immensely. We were cahallagened everyday, expected to put forth our best and we did. I still remember the Platoon DiI his assistants and The Senior Drill Instructor of the company. I remember the cigar smoking first sergeant and the Major who was our CO. It was hard demanding but with the right attitude it will be fun too. I loved the marching, the running, the obstacle courses, the grenade throwing , the rifle range, and the cadence the drums. All of it.
Go joing, support your country, If not the Army then the Airforce I believe that you will find it very satisfying and you can have money for college later, college course monetary support while in, GO ahead join, you and your family will have times of sadness l(separation) but great times of joy too. You too can learn an old army prayer.
Fem all but nine, 6 pallbearers, 2 roadguards and one to count cadence. Buff -
REBUTTAL to Why Americans are hated
by Amazing in[edited] i appreciate saintsatan's post.
this rebuttal is not intended as any negative response to saintsatan.
i think he did a good thing to post an important point of view, a view that needs consideration to balance out the actioins of political leaders everywhere.
Was that Sleepy or Sheepy, Geesh who moved the rock that you crawled out from under of????
This type of reasoning is why so many people in other countries can think that americans can be so studpid and arrogant.
Farkel has an opinion about how the Marshall Plan helped/aided European countries and now this is stupid and arrogant. Why is that?
Why are opinions stupid and arrogant, You have one, is yours stupid and arrogant are you yourself what you accuse others (Farkel) of??Go back to sleep don't be so grouchy when awakened. Buff
Maximus and Francoise where are you???
by buffalosrfree inhave maximus and francoise been posting and i haven't seen it or are they awya or?????
really miss you posts maximus, look forward to seeing them again, i'm sure your are keeping tabs on all that has taken place and we look forward to you viewpoint on all of this.
francoise, i remember something about you going on vacation, did you go out of town or???
Ozzie, sorry to hear about the misses. My thoughts and prayers will be about ya. Buff
Maximus and Francoise where are you???
by buffalosrfree inhave maximus and francoise been posting and i haven't seen it or are they awya or?????
really miss you posts maximus, look forward to seeing them again, i'm sure your are keeping tabs on all that has taken place and we look forward to you viewpoint on all of this.
francoise, i remember something about you going on vacation, did you go out of town or???
Have Maximus and Francoise been posting and I haven't seen it or are they awya or????? Really miss you posts Maximus, look forward to seeing them again, I'm sure your are keeping tabs on all that has taken place and we look forward to you viewpoint on all of this.
Francoise, I remember something about you going on vacation, did you go out of town or??? Look forward to seeing you with and wisdom on posts too. buff
No counter strike? How else would you punish them?
by MrMoe infor those of who don't care for a counter strike or killing those who committed this horrendous crime - how would you go about stopping terrorisim and punish the wrongdoers if you were president?.
Better yet we could make them all stand and listen while we read all those resolutions against religion by the witness circa 1920s and if that didn't do it. Make them do a pioneer day in field service, that will surely finish them. Buff