I had always thought that Artifical Intelligence was evident when reading the Watchtower and Awake Magazines. They have artifical love, artifical caring, artifical college education (theo school), and not least of all artifical history. Artifically speaking of course. Buff
JoinedPosts by buffalosrfree
Artificial Intelligence
by dh inwhat will it mean when man finally creates a machine or program that can think and is aware of itself...?
do you think that day will ever come?
would it alter your faith at all?
I certainly hope so!!
Got My Memorial Invite
by Undecided inwhen i got home from town this morning there was a wt and the invitation to the memorial stuck in my front door.
this is funny, on the invitation there was hand written on the back the location of the meeting,"reynolds funeral home.".
i thought this was very appropriate to have it in a funeral home, i wonder if they will have a casket and a body?.
lmao whn I read this, funeral home huh, well these people are barin dead when it comes to thinking about the borg, and they are in a place where the dead are kept, they just won't be in the basement. but they will still be dead (in the head).
(some of) What They Knew
by SixofNine inin a post recently, i made the statement regarding 9/11: "strong cockpit doors and a directive to pilots not to open them under any circumstances.... and 9/11 doesn't happen", or words to that effect.
someone responded that "hindsite is easy, isn't it?
", infering that it would be asking too much to imagine that anyone could have been steps ahead of the terrorist.
Reading some of this I am surprised, but then again not, it seems if this administration heard something to the tune of you aregoing to be attackedand it has something to do with planes, And they had bracketed up all major airfields and left many, many, many thousands of travelers stuck where they are to seek other means of transportation then we would have had a field day jumping on the administration, the airline industry would have failed as they wouldn't be able to fly, and therefore wouldn't be making any money, same for all airfields and personnel working in them. The industry would have stalled, out, and if nothing had happened for months. The american people would have wanted Bush, Ashcroft, etal to be sacrificed on the nearest altar so to speak. Catch 22 damed if they did, and damed if they didn't.
We hear these reports of planned, suspected terrorist attacks on almost a weekly basis, what is it you want done, put the country into a state of siege? Dismiss all civil rights etc. what?
They knew something, oh really, other than a threat to attack us which i'm sure happens all the time, it probably wasn't detailed enough to make a decisive plan of any kind, so sitting here and jumping on this or any other administration is an exercise in futility.
As far as Ashcroft not flying on commercial or being at the mercy of Airline Schedules may have been one excuse or outright cowardice another who knows. But what if frogs had wings doesn't put wings on a frog and setting here and going over all this B.S. doesn't help the current situation (whatever it is) either.
Whatever analysis of the situation they had, it was a very incomplete picture, we should learn from mistakes not burn at the stake any who made them. This administration had one hell of a situation to handle after 9/11 and they handled it, the best, they knew how, so quit crying for christsakes.
Iraq was also mentioned, well i wish i had all the intelligence and insight that some of you who are expressing disapraging views on this administration have.
Oh don't get me wrong I dont much like this administration, but then again I don't like Kerry either. When i feel like having pancakes for breakfast/waffles then i will read some of what Kerry (the waffler) has to say.
Greetings from Singapore
by mustang inon vacation!!!
jw's are outlawed here!!!!
i'll talk about that later.
If the Trioka restaurant is still there give it a try, I haven't been there since 1985 but still fondly remember that place, and of course a couple of Singapore Slings are a must. We use to pull into ANZUK back in the day. how are ya?
Jesus Kingdom?
by cyrano inhow could jesus say he was king and talk about his kingdom if he didn't recieve the kingdom until 1919 as the watchtower teaches?
jn 18:36 jesus said, "my kingdom is not of this world.
if it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the jews.
See we have to go to the Watchtower to find out why Jesus meant 1919 vice 31/33 or whatever CE. It is only in the pages of the Watchtower that we find God's true words, Just ask The GB. Don't believe the bible, just believe their bull, and remember we aren't suppose to be witness's of Jesus we are to only be witness of Rutherford..er.. I mean Jehover.
Once the veil has lifted 2Cor.4:4 we realize just how full of it the WTBTS really is.
Could You REALLY Explain All The Beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus ini'll bet that most could not explain why jws believe that 1914 was a marked year, the watchtower definition of the faithful & discreet slave, not accepting blood transfusions, the differences between porneia, loose conduct and uncleanness, etc..........
it use to be true that jdubs were pretty good with their bibles, now however, i'm not so sure, some time ago two jdubs dropped by our house, not knowing me i used the visit to ask them a question. which was Which of the ancient manuscripts Greek that is use the name Jehovah? because their bible uses it in the N.T., this they told me so when i hit them with the manuscript questions, their eyes got that deer in the headlights look.
A Thought About Assemblies
by metatron insince many of you already have read the annual commands from the society about conduct at assemblies.
( "don't cook food in your room, blah, blah, blah") , you might consider the meaning of their counsel about bringing.
lunch.. i think they're scared.. they fear that, if enough witnesses leave the assembly to go to burger king, they might come under pressure to allow.
The annual orders from headquarters on conduct, hotel rooms etc, use to really bug me, we lived in San Diego and attended the DC there no one was getting a hotel room and it seemed really stupid to go over those things and waste our time, its just another control issue for them. I use to roam constantly couldn't bear just sitting and listening to all of the b.s. coming from the speakers. In fact I would get so insensed that I would tell the sign carriers to shut up and don't bother me. I guess they didn't like my attitude, and walking must have been a crime, but "f" them.
What One JW Belief Could You Never Totally Accept???
by minimus infor me it was that god will destroy billions of innocent children simply because their parents weren't jehovah's witnesses.....and you??
1914, 1919, The Faithful and Discreet Slave, That Elders were chosen by holy spirit, the 144,000. Never did i believe those, i always thought well your are wrong about this then swallowed hook line and sinker the rest of the b.s. until i awoke, and it wasn't from reading the awake.
Passing the time at JW Assemblies
by Leolaia inlove_truth, in describing the utter dullness of jw assemblies and conventions, just gave me an interesting idea for a thread.
what were some of the ways you tried to make the hours pass?
some of mine: looking at the interesting refracting patterns the arena floodlights made on my eyeglasses when looking thru them at an angle.looking for people i knew from my congregation and others in the mass of people in the arena.counting the number of people leaving the section to go to the bathroompractice writing people's names in elvish scripthaving a conversation with friends a row behind me by passing notes back and forthseeing how many pages of my bible stick together when i slam a wad of gum in between its pages.. what else?
reading John Grisham, Stehpen Hunter, David Morrell books, i put them in jdub books (minus thepages) and people would think i am studious. The Assemblies are boring and when i learned the truth about the troof, i was no longer intersted in what they had to say.