vitty, i understand you perfectly.
like you i entered the truth,(lie) as an adult, and was in for 22 years, and yes once one starts to see another angle to it all it doesnt take long to exit, if only in your mind.
i was never what you would call religous before the jws, but i did pray to god often and i felt i had a close relationship with him.especially in times of unrest i would make special efforts to pray to him and i always felt better.
when i joined the jws i thought my relationship would grow even more, however the longer i was in the more distant i felt to god. maybe it is that :were never good enough" attitude we were were bashed with all the time.
i remember giving prayers at meets, studies,even at home with my family and feeling very inadequate, and almost robotic, the closeness i once had had gone.
also like you i feel my faith in a god of any desciption is lacking now due to the anger, and hurt felt by being duped by the org. some here still have a strong faith in god, and thats good for them but for me im not sure anymore,im still dealing with a lot of issues.i feel like im in "no mans land"
good post vitty, thanks for sharing. mr.alw