Topics Started by alw
Starting to write my Witness Story... anyone want to read Chapter one?
by AK - Jeff inmy storychapter one - first contact
the day was a hot one, july or august of 1959 i think.
the three of us were out popping tar-bubbles on the street next to our home.
Finally on our way to the World Cup
by alw inwell after 32 years australia have made history - they are now in the running for the world cup 2006 at germany.
what a game!!!
aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi.
No more exams!!
by Frog in...well at least not for another 7 months or so!!
i've just walked out of my final uni exam for the year, and am feeling pretty chuffed about it:).
i'm really pleased with how the exams went and the effort i put into revision, it just feels like such a bloody good achievement to have followed through with something that has come to mean to much to me.. now it's 4 months off for some serious student bludging time!
Sabotaging one's life...
by Frog ini think that if i don't take the time to post this one out of me i may very well implode:(.
gosh i feel so bloody awful at the moment, and i apologise for laying this on my friends here when i know you all have your own ordeals to deal with.. i've been feeling intensley anxious lately about going home to visit my family at the end of the year.
there's going to be a bit of a family reunion in my home town, which will mainly consist of my immediate family (my never been baptised brother, my disfellowshipped self, and my fence sitter baptised father) and my uncles family (once an elder of 20years, my aunty, their two 20somethings sons who've never been baptised, and my cousin who like me was diss'd a few or so years ago).
Hello from Australia...
by Riverview injust wanted to say hi.... its my 1st time on looks good.. are there many here from aus??.
i am 37 - male - was a jw all my life until 2 years ago.
used to pioneer regularly and was a ms. thankfully i questioned everything in the end and found out who god really is and the history of the jw' wife and i were shocked after reading coc and c/freedom.
While preaching, did you realize that you were also screwing up their lives
by JH in.
when you were going door to door, although you had the pure intention of teaching people what you taught was god's will, did you realize back then, that if they listened to you and accepted a bible study that you were also screwing up their lives and that they would suffer greatly by this?.
it was always in back of my mind.....
Email I received off mum
by Es inhey all, i usually pop into my folks once a week so that my son can see his grandparents.
anyway last week my dad asked if i wanted to go to a country show\fete with them on sat , so anyway a couple of days later i emailed my mum to see whether my fiance (non jw) could come too.. this is the email i received today.
as you are going to be busy over the next few weeks, we dont want to put added pressure on you, dont feel you have to come to the we have already explained the situation regarding mike we dont have anything against him personally, but the situation is difficult for us regards associating with him as your fiance because it would be viewed as our supporting your decision to marry out of the truth.
My so-called life
by riko inhello everyone..i just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about my experiences.. i'm 23, have been raised in the truth all my life.
when i was 18, i made a foolish decision to get married, something i knew deep down i wasn't ready for, still being very much in the 'bloom of youth'.
i reluctantly saw my future as being one of jehovahs witnesses and with all my adolescent drives, i moved away from home to marry a man with about the same maturity as me.
The story of my life (part 13- Disfellowshipped)
by onacruse inso here i was, in my late 20s, and in the late 1970s, disfellowshipped.. .
to offer a bit of perspective: being dfd then was not like it had been before, or since.
for a period of several years (1973-1980, as i recall), the wts had "lightened up" on the amount of communication that was "allowed" between dfd people and other jws, especially when it was family.