Thankyou for speaking out - one day jws will see that theirs is only a man made organisaton prone to man-made inadequesies? (sorry I thought I knew how to spell that!!) It took a lot of courage and I praise you and the victims for their stories. alw
Posts by alw
Sunday Program - My input
by Flindersgirl inhey all!
i have about 9 million emails and phone messages that's interesting.
aside from having the intial reaction of how horrible i look on telly (which i always have) and my partner swatting me for saying it i was amused to see they only used one quote from what was a long interview.
Aussies Who Missed The Sunday Program...
by Stephanus in.
it will be repeated at 1:15pm today( about 3 hours from now) on the sky news channel, if you have or can get access to pay tv.. .
great show, btw, makes the 'tower org look like a bunch of evil prats.
Thanks for letting us know that there was a repeat programme on Sky. It really makes me sick to think that these boys and girls put their trust in this 'loving organisation' only to get their lives messed up forever. John Wingate and Bob Souter were both in the Corrimal Cong and then both ended up in Cooma - seems really strange to me!!! Lets hope 'brothers and sisters' in the Queensland Cong were watching to find they had a paediphile in their midst. It just doesn't bear thinking about. I'm just so thankful our kids escaped this trauma - alw
New Baby Grandson
by alw inwe are now the proud grandparents of a little boy.
our son and his partner had their baby on mr alw's birthday (bit ironic) - lovely birthday present.
both mum and baby are well and we are ecstatic!!!
Thanks to everyone - he's lovely and now at home - a few sleepless nights ahead!!! Looking forward to the future as a family unit - aint life grand!!! alw
New Baby Grandson
by alw inwe are now the proud grandparents of a little boy.
our son and his partner had their baby on mr alw's birthday (bit ironic) - lovely birthday present.
both mum and baby are well and we are ecstatic!!!
We are now the proud grandparents of a little boy. Our son and his partner had their baby on Mr alw's birthday (bit ironic) - lovely birthday present. Both Mum and baby are well and we are ecstatic!!! We now have a grand-daughter and a grandson. Beautiful - also able to enjoy their life without the help of the borg!!! Lovely family times!!! Still on cloud nine - in love again!!! alw
I Hate Downunder!
by JW83 ini hate downunder because when i post a thread at 10.10pm - nobody else is up to respond & i get bored & go to bed & by the time i log on tomorrow - my thread will have been forgotten ...
I'm up - although being from Australia - you would call me lazy!!! - nearly 11 already. Hello everybody and especially JW83 so nice to see you posting again - back to the 'real' world!!! I love you - alw
Welcome LouBelle
by under74 ini just saw one of your posts and realized you're new here.
glad you found this forum and hope it's as helpful to you as it has been for me.
hope to see more posts from you soon.
Welcome Loubelle
I hope this site gives the necessary comfort and encouragement as it has us. Enjoy and just be yourself - I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly!!! alw
Amazing life -welcome and thanks for sharing. You have shown a lot of courage and we look forward to your many posts and threads on this site, one where we are all encouraged by each other. Thanks alw
A big "Thank You" from Ozzie!
by ozziepost in"bliss!
it's bliss for you.
a handphone was given to me and it was bliss calling to pass on the .
Hi Ozzie
Just been away for a few days and it was fantastic to catch up and find on the site that you had had the op and that you are well on the way to perfect health again. Great news!!! Thinking of you both and hope to hear from you soon!! alw x
Who Was Shocked By the Watchtower UN NGO Scandal?
by AlanF in.
i'd like to get comments from people about whether and how much they were shocked, surprised, or otherwise bothered by the watchtower society's becoming an associated non-governmental organization (ngo).. note that i'd like to see these comments because they might lead to some interesting publicity, so please comment accordingly.. alanf
allan f.
after being in 23 years, and one of my main reasons for even getting involved with them in the first place was the neutrality issue. i worked on nuclear arms in britain, and after arriving here in aussie, and being contacted by jws telling me how neutral they were it certainly got my attention.
when my daughter told my wife last year about the u.n. scam i thought oh no she has been on that apostate site where they make up all the lies about us.
after checking for myself,shock, horror, gasp,i had to reread it again to make sure it was true.
we were already fading about 6 months then, this was the final nail in the coffin so to speak.
i remember the 86 year of peace awake, the one with the picture of all the religions praying together for peace at the U.N. and the awake slted them for it. b.....y hypocritesmr.alw
question from a NJW regarding a family JW in medical condition
by maggie221 inhello, this is my first post here and i will try and be breif.
i am not a jw but have an uncle and family who is strong into their belief.
my cousin (his son) is in the hospital and had a bad accident at work.
joyzabel, thanks so very much for that info,it would seem its another deception by the borg, fancy trying to fool the human rights org.!
so much for unity, the woman that was df for taking blood about 2or 3 years ago here actually died not long after and her daughter was so upset about it all,it was a type of cancer and i think she was really going to die soon from it whatever, however the elders df her and her daughter feels that now she was df she will never see her again as she will not even get a ressurection.
i believe the elders could have let her die in peace, they could have at least stalled their witch hunt, so her daughter and family wouldnt have to go through the agony they have been through.
i am so glad i am no longer in there.
thanks again for the info i will be printing it out . mr.alw