Goldminer, the best to you and your wife, while having your meeting with the elder, who I am afraid will not be able to answer your questions very well and to avoid the problem with answers you will become the target eventually, but I think you already know this.
Scully has excellent advice and really look at this issue with your wife. Assure her of your love of her and God but express your hope that she will come to her own decision. Perhaps your Tuesday or Thursday nights could be taking one topic that she needs answered and examine the topic together and come to an understanding together. After all that is what the original christian meetings (in homes) were for discussion and understanding of scripture. There are many bible commentaries on the web to use in addition to the NWT Bible and when she is really ready start reading the Greek Interlinear from JWs and you will find many changes made by Franz.
But steady and slow is the best approach as this really does need to be an individual issues. Remember you are not leaving Jehovah and Jesus you are just leaving a man's organization. If you have not read In Search of Christian Freedom by Ray Franz it is well worth obtaining and browsing through, especially his thoughts on where do we go when we have left the Jehovah's Witness organization.
Best to you and your family,