This is something that I've thought a lot about since I have two dogs. My male dog was abused when I got him. He was 5 years old and a total ragamuffin. So dirty and ugly he was adorable. I fell in love with his gentleness and sweet smile. (For those of you that don't know, yes, dogs do smile!) But I quickly realized Henry was not socialized very well. Basically, he'd never had much interaction with people so he was frightened of them. Although I took him home, bathed him, groomed him, and loved on him, he would shy away anytime I leaned down to pet him. He had learned somewhere that a human hand reaching down to him was going to hurt him. After having him for over two years, he's FINALLY (and slowly!) getting better. He follows me around and is a total mama's boy, but he still occasionally acts scared when I pet him or yelps when I try to play with him. Although he's getting used to me, if someone else comes over that he doesn't know, he hides under the bed. He attempts to protect me by barking at the intruder, but he does it from under the bed. LOL!
Sounds great! What kind of dog is he? Sounds you have done a wonderful job. Working as a Vet Tech I know we love animal owners such as yourself that are so caring!
I had 4 Goldens at one time and I remember the female was so noisy and she would bark and bark but then turn around to look at the male (Max) to see if he "had her back" so to speak :)