JoinedTopics Started by schne_belly
Where is the outrage?
by schne_belly inso katrina is one of the worst us disasters ever?
are there any other governments stepping up help the united states?
does anyone remember the tsunami outrage?
New outlook on life....
by schne_belly insince leaving the org.
my view of life has changed significantly in many ways, as i'm sure is true for many of you.. i think differently about my future, fellow humans, friends, family, past time activites etc.
including music and lyrics.
Any posters from Okalahoma?
by schne_belly inhello.... i am looking for andre and rhonda peterson, originally from okalahoma.
they moved to wisconsin for a few years back in the early 90's then back to okalahoma in the late 90's or so.
they have two daughters, sara and erica?.
What would you do?
by schne_belly inhello my dear fellow jwd members, i need your in put....please.
since my husband i my recent fading process, we've received a few "love bombing" letters from some in our old congregation.. i've received 2 from an old "friend" whom i grew up with and went to school with.
we've drifted apart years ago, to the point where she wouldn't even look at me at the hall---she's a pionner, husband a ministerial servant.
What was your favorite part of Apostate-cheese-beer fest?
by schne_belly ini have too many to mention..... it was just a really good time!
hey did anyone know that stillajwelder is an awesome singer?
A poem - tell me what you think - I am posting for someone else
by schne_belly inthe slave has lied to me for years
my eyes fill with tears
all wrong dates
by schne_belly inone slightly used briefcase.
also known as a "service bag".
all leather, great condition.
In the beginning..
by schne_belly inso - yesterday was my first post.
thanks for all the feedback.
i'm still familiarizing myself with all the board features (like how to post in the correct place!).
Hi everyone!
by schne_belly inwell - this is my first post.
i want to express my gratitude to all of you in jwd land for the help you provide.
i'd be glad to relate stories, and experiences in the future, but wanted to introduce myself first.