I had just finished working a big weekend sale at a furniture store I worked at over Memorial Day weekend I believe. I was exhausted and fired up. The sale was a huge success. I was to meet a friend for supper about 15 miles from town on an old country highway. Hilly, windy and curvey.
I was cruising. Enjoying the sun and the windows open in the car.........listening to the radio. You know................Freedom! About 8 miles from town .......blue lights are coming behind me. Crap........I pull over and he says...........Do you know you were speeding? UMMMMMMMmmmm No Sir. I smiled real pretty........oh and I had on a nice sundress. Hair still damp from shower.
He asked, "Do you know how fast you were going?" No sir, How fast? You were going 110. I have been following you for 7 miles......took that long to catch up to you. (yikes)
Ok, ..................He asked........Whatever made you drive that fast? I says......I was just watching the Indianapolis 500 and I guess I was thinking of racing. He said Well, the way you were driving you could have won it!!!!! I said.......Oh, I am sorry.
He said the speed limit is 55, for going double the speed limit, I can automatically put you in jail.
OH SHIT, I says to meself.
He talked to me.......asked me about my family life and kids, job
He reasoned with me...............and let me go.......It took about 45 minutes. He said I am gona get in big trouble for letting you go. I kissed him on the cheek and said thanks.....He said now I am really gonna be in big trouble.
You know, I got one other speeding ticket after that. Prior to that ....I don't know how many speeding tickets. I slowed down, thinking of the concern he had for me and if something should happen to me concerning my kids.
Thanks for asking, it was fun to think back.