Well, I am glad to hear that the courts stepped in and ruled for the blood transfusion.
Rebel8 - What a horrible thing that you had to go through.
Dee - sending you my love
the 14 year old jw girl from vernon, bc, has just lost her court case in the bc supreme court in vancouver to not have blood transfutions.
more info.
to come.
Well, I am glad to hear that the courts stepped in and ruled for the blood transfusion.
Rebel8 - What a horrible thing that you had to go through.
Dee - sending you my love
well i did it...i actually made it to age 30. today, april 12th 1975 i was born and i am still trying to full comprehed the feeling that comes along with it.
my office threw me a party and i am having another one on fri, more the drunken type of gathering.
it is a good week but a part of me will never fully be able to comprehend the simple feeling of "birthday" lol..anyhow..i'm still alive!
Happy Birthday zanex!
copy and paste this url in the address bar or else it won't work here...... .
Wow that was amazing, but I don't think that I would of been that close to film it. (That had to be in California?)
i remember going to sunday meetings...the public talks went by fast (sometimes).
but the watchtower study to me was so boring and not interesting at all.
it felt longer than the public talk.
I was well prepared for the Watchtower Study...ready to be called on. Both of my children had to have 2 paragraphs ready to comment on. (which my son wasn't to thrilled about) So for me, the WS went by pretty fast.
I seemed to like it best when we had a Watchtower Study conductor who was funny or made comments which made the time go by fast.
i remember going to sunday meetings...the public talks went by fast (sometimes).
but the watchtower study to me was so boring and not interesting at all.
it felt longer than the public talk.
I was well prepared for the Watchtower Study...ready to be called on. Both of my children had to have 2 paragraphs ready to comment on. (which my son wasn't to thrilled about) So for me, the WS went by pretty fast.
I seemed to like it best when we had a Watchtower Study conductor who was funny or made comments which made the time go by fast.
But the
of course i wouldnt want to encourage speculation, but when i was involved in the jws there was sometimes talk of what would or wouldn't be in/acceptable in 'the new system'.
i heard some happifying comments like there wont be any electric guitars or transport, and we wont be wearing clothes but we'll still have seasons
Hey upside/down it does look like DISNEYLAND!
i got a call from the er last night---hubby had been in an accident and they were running tests and x-rays.
he was in terrible pain.
they called back during the night during the night saying he has a shattered sternum and other injuries.
My prayers are with you! Dee
just got my copy of crisis of conscience.
*puts on vivaldi, finds eyeglasses, sits down with a fresh cup of coffee, buckles seatbelt, opens book* introduction...... (see you guys in a couple days...).
ok you guys...I just have to get a copy of this book and read it. There has been a lot of threads about this book and how good it is.
well folks, you may recall that i was invited to my sister and her husband's gilead going-away bonanza last saturday.
elders would be there.
my world would be rocked from it's stable position of "inactive"!
Remember your previous post...glad to hear that you survived!
so my mother suprised me about a week ago by telling me we are going on a bus trip to bethel from april 13-17. for those of you who aren't used to this concept, american dubs seem to think that packing themselves on the bus with 60 other witnesses and driving for 4 days is somehow going to strengthen themselves spiritually.
well, i doubt that will work for me.
i was just wondering, is there anything i should look for/ be on the alert for?
All I can remember when I went to Bethel for a tour....was that the people who were working didn't seem happy! (Maybe it's b/c they see so many people come through there)