How regretful it must be to strive to free others from a perceived religious slavery and then gradually to realise our 'liberty' and ?reasonableness? amounts to an enslavement to our own selfishness? And to discover that we look the same and are just as worthless as anyone else?s little tin gods. It doesn't have to be that way, though.
JoinedPosts by dostprefer
by dostprefer inhow regretful it must be to strive to free others from a perceived religious slavery and then gradually to realise our 'liberty' and ?reasonableness?
amounts to an enslavement to our own selfishness?
and to discover that we look the same and are just as worthless as anyone else?s little tin gods.
if a Devout JW is asked to define religious fanatic?
by anuva in.
perhaps they will only speak about orthodox islam people and refer to physically voilent actions , does anybody ever tried ,and had any other experiance?.
Re: if a Devout JW is asked to define 'religious fanatic'?
Jesus as a devout Jehovah's Witness, used an illustration which provides some definition. He called the Scribes and Pharisees "You Brood of Vipers". So there would be venom from those who in their imagination may imagine that they are the "Kings of the Jungle" (perhaps in the undergrowth of religious debate) (lurking and ready to strike at anything that passes by on the high ground of true worship. Religious fanatics indeed!
Are some people REALLY better off in high-control groups?
by seattleniceguy inin holly's good-bye thread, quotes mentioned that he felt that some people were better off in high-control groups.
i've heard othes say similar things.. but i have a difficult time with this.
is it not true that high-control groups stiffle a person's emotional and intellectual development?
Are Some people really better off in high-control groups?
There are at least two 'organisations' which are perceived by some as 'high control groups' . But are those perceptions the reality? In one group you see them happy, smiling and the members will reassure you that that they are indeed BETTER OFF being part of that group and that is the concensus within the group. So to fit that into the framework of the topic question the answer is "The people who belong that group are the 'some' who are really better off. But better off than whom?
Than the second group which spends considerable time and effort in sending out recruiting messages which are ignored by virtually all and heeded by only a miserable percentage of group one.
You see, group one have happier challenges in encounters with real people. Nothing like meeting the direct honest and innocent gaze of a sincere enquirer. Better that than languishing under the high control of the fear of man, the anxiety of desiring the favourable opinion of others and the other weapon which Satan has so deftly used - the tyranny of personal pride and stubbornness. .
Why the large number of postings to 'men who lie with men'?
by dostprefer inplease be patient on this one because i thought i posted this before and it is on the forum , goodness knows where so this is not repetition for emphasis.
think i have got the hang of it now.
and hopefully haven't got the 'statistics' wrong!.
Please be patient on this one because I thought I posted this before and it is on the forum , goodness knows where so this is not repetition for emphasis. Think I have got the hang of it now. And hopefully haven't got the 'statistics' wrong!
Holly's 'goodbye' letter quickly drew 152 postings as of today. Checking back to the beginning of January, there were only 3 subjects to exceed that number. Two were from 'new chums' , but the winner by far was the "men who lie with men" topic. Is there any reason why that should be so? Please keep your answers brief and to the point (terse is okay, but haven't we learned from Holly's example that a kindly sincerity and patent honesty is more likely to reach the heart?)
Goodbye everyone
by holly inits time to leave.
i have had all the answers i need to make a firm decision.
thank you so much everyone for your replies, for talking to me over the last few weeks and for some of the humour.. i believe the jws are right and that they have the truth.
Holly's goodbye letter touched the heart. A genuine person, an example to all. It would be good to try to emulate her kindness. Isn't it great to see someone who deal with the uncertainties of life without knocking others?
If there is sarcasm or irony in response to to this sincere and patently lovely person then other forum members may draw their own conclusions.
"What would happen to a jw, if proved gb was not given special authority?"
by Check_Your_Premises ini posed this question to my tbjw (true believer jehovah's witness) wife:.
"what if it was proved to you without a doubt (i conceded that this was not possible) that the gb had no special mandate or guidance from hs?
what if they were just like anyone else who reads the bible alot?
Re: "What would happen to a jw, if proved gb was not given special authority?"
This is intriguing.
It reminded me of the first book I studied "Let God Be True" (though every man be found a liar Romans 3:4)
I fear however that the question may rest on the choice of looking to men for hope rather than God. That is the prevalent view in the world today and its persistence will certainly cause many to 'miss out'. But not those who are faithful. That should answer the question.
In 50 words or less prove the GB of JW's is NOT a False Prophet
by Honesty in.
if it can be proved the gb of jw's is not a false prophet in 50 words or less i will grovel at their feet and beg them to let me back in.
Re: In 50 words or less prove the GB of JW's is NOT a False Prophet
Just love question begging topic titles and this is splendidly representative example.
Tantamount to "In 50 words or less prove that you mother is not a murderer"
but to address the topic "Wisdom is proved by it's children" said Jesus in response to his critics.
WHY Doesn't The WTS Observe The Resurrection?
by Sunspot ini never got a real answer about this when i was a jw.
the only explanation that i ever got was that jesus said to "do this in remembrance of me" meaning the taking in of the wine and unleavened bread.
he never said "not" to observe his birth or his resurrection.
Re: WHY Doesn't The WTS Observe The Resurrection?
If this is referring to the resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous which lies in the future during the millenium then nobody has 'observed' it yet. As far as I know, only Jehovah's Witnesses believe in it as actual and real but am open to correction (and there will certainly be no lack of that!) There are some church doctrines which present the resurrection as 'elitist' and even as part of a 'kangaroo court' scenario but Acts 24;15 belies those views.
Regarding others' comments on my own postings, I avoid these as this could create an unfriendly atmosphere and wouldn't that be against the 'spirit' of this forum?
99.9% of people who believe in God will be destroyed by God
by JH inisn't that sad that all those people who put their trust in god, and did good deads to help one another will all die because they couldn't figure out the "riddle" of the true religion.. i see my old parents go to church (catholic) every week, and they truly believe that they will be saved.
is there a religion that doesn't think that they won't be saved?.
if the witnesses are right, over 99.99% of beleivers will die at armageddon, and 100% of unbelievers will die at armageddon.
Re: 99.9% of people who believe in God will be destroyed by God
This topic title appears to be a contradiction in terms. Was it meant to read "'99% of those who PROFESS to believe in God............"?
In the last days there will be a witness to all the inhabited earth........
by holly inand then the end will come.. something like that!!.
so, for those who believe the bible, who are these people and what scripture would back that?.
Re: In the last days there will be a witness to all the inhabited earth........
Great Topic Title, the Truth will out !