JoinedTopics Started by Thinking
Yankee or Dixie? (fluff)
by hemp lover ini love these stupid online quiz thingies.
(i'm 74% dixie, in case you're wondering.).
How is your congregation doing financially?
by truthseeker inif you still go to the meetings - look at the notice board where they have the accounts report.. is there a deficit?.
our cong wanted to build a new hall (they share), but they cannot raise the funds to do this.
did your cong pay bills on time, i.e.
Things I love about Texas
by IP_SEC inbeing that it's such an auspicious day for the great state.. things i love about texas.. 1. shiner bock.
2. san antonio.
3. corpus christi.
Remembering that we are dust.......
by Thinking intoday i was studing for tonights book study lesson.
i got hung up on this paragraph.
i don't know why but something about the wording just does not sound right.
National Average = Quotas
by zack inthe national average for publishers reporting feild service time in the untited states is just under 10 hours a month.
this has become the de facto standard for every member of the congregation.
if one fails to produce at the rate of others, he is "weak", his service is "divided", he puts the things of "this life" in "first place.".
Are boxer briefs gay???
by Elsewhere ini was just watching a sit-com and someone made a reference to boxer briefs as being a sign a guy is gay.
i like boxer briefs!
they are the best of both worlds... a combination of boxers and briefs.
Where's Jesus?
by IP_SEC inwhere?s jesus?.
i?m really concerned about the governing body.
what if they break an arm whilst patting themselves on the back all the time?.
The Myth of Unconditional Love
by frankiespeakin in.
i here this a lot all the time.
i think it is one huge myth,,based on a self-biased view.
Two great quotes!
by mkr32208 ini contend that we are both atheists, i just believe in one less god than you do.
when you understand why you dismiss all other possible gods, then you will know why i dismiss yours.
- stephen f. roberts.
come on guys, you can do better than this !
by deddaisy inyawn, bore, blah.................come on guys, jw's are getting pretty dusty here, where's the zest on this board ?
tell your relatives, friends, etc: hey, you were part of the u.n., the watchtower bible & tract society owned a majority of stock in a jw company that had military contracts, the organization that you represent was false prophesying that the world was going to end in the 1800s through the 1900s, and when you can prove to me otherwise, than maybe i'll talk to you.
these guys are just going along with the program because they've gone along this far and they don't know what else to do with their lives because all of their acquaintances are part of this organization and their lives are almost turn completely against this organization would be declaring defeat of their very lives.