I believe that atheism implies freedom. I believe that, while it does not give our lives meaning or purpose in and of itself, neither does it deny the possibility of these things. It is the right of every human being to steer their own course, to decide what makes their existence meaningful and what their purpose in life should be, and within reason, atheism can accommodate whatever we choose. I believe that our minds and our emotions are completely real and no less valuable because they come from our material brains rather than imaginary immaterial souls. I believe that life is inherently valuable, full of grandeur, mystery, beauty and complexity, a thing to be cherished, protected, and lived to the fullest. I believe that, despite our limited lifespans, we have much to hope for and many goals worth achieving. I believe that being on our own, being part of the cosmos, ennobles rather than diminishes us and makes our conscious existence far more wonderful. I believe in the sublime. I believe that the most valuable and important things are not tangible. And I believe that atheism offers at least as much chance for happiness and fulfillment as any religion ever could, and that it is fully compatible with all the things - compassion, joy, love, hope and awe - that define humanity and make life worthwhile. In fact, I firmly believe that atheism makes life in general, and especially conscious, intelligent, thinking, feeling life such as ours, by far the most precious thing there is.
JoinedPosts by Dazz_C
Do Any Atheists Feel This Way?
by Big Dog inthe atheists have done a pretty good job on me, i am just about to cast my lot in with them after all the reading and debating on the issue.
they just seem to have all the answers and appear to hold the intellectual high ground, they do a good job of making one feel like a complete idiot for believing in a god, much less the christian version.
so now that i am almost free of this delusional, magical thinking, religious burden of foolishly believing in a god and that there is anymore to life than what is right here how do i feel?
OK, So I finally tried some Marmite.
by El Kabong ini was in downtown annapolis today and went into a british/irish store that sells goods imported from the uk.
i saw a bottle of marmite and decided to try it.
i bought the bottle, and when i got home i tried it.
Oh and I feel I should warn you that marmite is made by Sanitarium, a company owned by the Seventh Day Adventists, and a long time ago Witnesses were warned against supporting their products
so by eating it you are actually defying Jehovah (or at least 1960's Jehovah but not 2005 Jehovah so you should be all right)
OK, So I finally tried some Marmite.
by El Kabong ini was in downtown annapolis today and went into a british/irish store that sells goods imported from the uk.
i saw a bottle of marmite and decided to try it.
i bought the bottle, and when i got home i tried it.
like what Miss Peaches said but with thin slices of cheese on top, yummmy
but stay away from Vegemite, thats the devils crap that stuff
The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories - Ch. 12 - The Flood
by RunningMan inwell, i've been waiting for a long time to post this one.
it's my personal favorite.
some angels became inflamed with lust for human women and took on human form.
Another great post. As a dub the horny angels puzzled me and I never really got a good answer. The angels (made or spirit or energy or whatever) should be as sexually attracted to humans (made of dirt) as we are to air or water.
The best I could do was that the angels wanted to be godlike and create life and have their own offspring, like lowly humans could do and they couldnt, not fair that so they did something about it.
And they became men cause in a patriarchal world why be a woman.
Bit of stretching and ignoring bits that dont fit but you get used to that in the troof.
by gringojj ini am not looking to debate creation or evolution.
i just wanted to get some ideas from people on whats going to happen in the future.
my sister married a muslim, and they are strictly intelligent design creationists i believe, corect me if i am wrong.
>>If say in 50 years the evidence for evolution is so overwhelming that even the religions cant deny the proof >>will they just tell thier followers its a conspiracy and to ignore it? Or will they evolve and make their >>religion work with evolution? Just interested in everyones thoughts.
IMHO religion has to evolve or die as its environment changes, same as everyone and everything else. As TS said some already are, the ones that don't (eg JW) will eventually disappear.
BIG PICTURE I think that the human race is currently the equivalent of a young child finding it way in the world, and slowly working out that our invisible friends arent actually real. We're also currently learning that biting our siblings doesnt actually achieve anything and that pissing on the carpet and eating all our lollies in one big gorging session isnt that clever.
Some people are learning these lessons faster than others. The whole thing takes time. In a thousand years or so we might reach a few more milestones - start contributing to our homes upkeep rather than being a drain, meet the neighbours for a chat, and stop fighting with each other. Not looking forward to those teenage years though.
Stretching the metaphor but its fun.
Cheer and beers
Watchtower and UN?
by rambaldi inis this issue of the watchtower being part of the un department of public information of any significance?
at the district conventions of jehovahs witnesses there are flags of the united states and other sovereign government such as states or other countries hanging from the buildings.
the governing body and the watchtower society rent buildings which become the equivalent of kingdom halls for the weekend.
rammy I take it we're working on repetition for emphasis this month and maxing out those rv's without having to think of new material good going sonny, work the system, you'll be an MS in no time at this rate
130 years of preaching has failed.
by joelbear ineven in the us where the preaching work has been going on longest and most widespread, very few people have any idea what the message of the watchtower society or jehovah's witnesses is.
their methodology is flawed.
selling books and magazines that are rarely read sporadically to people doesn't deliver this message.
After a lifetime in Dubland land and now several years fading it has struck me that with all the billions of hours, hundreds of millions of mags books and stuff, millions of donuts and coffee, all those people miraculously saved from suicide by a knock at the door, that the preaching work is a complete waste of time (thankfully no longer my time).
Who's more famous Jehooba or Ronald MacDonald?
The GB should have started a hamburger joint back in the 60s and put "life saving" messages on the burger wrappers, would have been much more effective