DoofDaddy - I work for a Government department. Its full of lazy pubes (public servants) and I am a stinkin low life contractor. Loves it... I think that I figure out how choose your name. Doof - 3 day dance parties (or doofs). They are the worst in winter. We used to go out to events like that and keep a doona in the car. That way when the crowd got to much we could take time out snuggle up in the car talk some crazy crappola and rejoin the party!
Greendawn - maybe people will be posting now... I figure its around 9 or 10 pm in the states?
JeannieBeanz - I am going to start thinking up some atrocious scandal straight away.
Okay Maverick - its on like donkey kong! How's this poor Aussie Sheila meant to know that Yankee is insulting hey??? I got the term off your stinkin Yankee movies in the first place!