with the start of the new service year, there are 9 new circuits in the united states branch territory, making a total of 41 new circuits in the last five years.
one older sister said: "This tour was awe-inspiring! I have so much to tell the brothers back home. If Jehovah is willing I plan to come back every year."
Oh the poor thing. If that's as exciting as life gets I feel sorry for her. Imagine saving up for a holiday each year and going there... I can think of better places to go.
is there anything you'd like to change about your appearance?.
i'd like to be 2 inches taller with the same weight proportion.. i'd like to have nicer skin.. i'd like to be a little more muscular.. other than that, i'm not too unhappy with my looks.. all things the new system would have brought me..... .
you forgive her for never not once setting foot in your house.. you forgive her for yelling at you almost every day, because if she hadnt yelled at you, if she had been one of those calm-voiced, even-tempered kind of moms, the kind who wasnt enraged by a child who bumped the vacuum into the furniture or one who didnt always scrub out the sink with zud after washing the dishes, then you wouldnt, years later, have been able to recognize the shock and pain in your own daughters eyes when you lose your temper and lash out stupidly, momentarily, always apologetically (after the fact), but never, it seems, for the last time (unfortunately) and without the memory of a childhood filled with longing for an inch of approval from the one person who refused to give it, then you might not have recognized that same desire and need for acknowledgement in your own child and you might not give it to her at every opportunity (as you do, as she deserves).. you forgive her for waiting five days to take you to the doctor when you broke your wrist, because those five days of pain, during which you were encouraged to just stop babying it, will lead to the first of only two apologies she will ever extend to you.
she just couldnt imagine how anyone could break a bone the way you described it happening.
you seek a small measure of revenge by waiting 20 years to tell her how you really broke it.. you forgive her for slapping you when you laughed at her during one of her screaming fits.
good work on the email idea! Maybe you could try strike something up with somone who sounds really interesting. These types of people generally give you a stimulating friendship.
That's excellent news. Don't forget that practically everyone else there is feeling just like you. They don't know other students most likely and are as apprehensive as you are. Give it a couple of weeks and you'll forget that this was ever an issue.
The lecture about the Big Bang will be very interesting for you considering your religous background. You might get an opportunity to do some anti witnessing even!
Try not to worry too much about meeting people and getting laid... LOL... I think you'll find most of the other students are just scoping everyone out at the moment checking out who is genuine who is not that sort of thing... Time is your friend Tsunami!
someone mentioned that since postcards are so quickly read information can be processed by the jw mind before they realise it is from a source that is not pro jw.
have any of you here had any experience sending postcards containing delightful words of truth about the troof?.
Pardon me I was simply asking about it as I have never heard about that before. I find it intriguing. Personally I am not the type to compulsively proselytize but this just caught my interest. But your entitled to your "same old shit" opinion.
as numbers and meeting attendance statistics continue to decrease in western lands, do you think the wtbs may someday relax it's current clothing and grooming policies to facilitate better attendance and make the meetings more comfortable?
I think the only progress that has been made in dress and grooming is that they don't measure how long the sisters skirts are as they come into the kingdumb hall anymore.
I remember a mentall disabled sister in one of my old congs who used to regularly turn up to winter meetings in tracksuit pants. (For my american friends that is like sports/athletic pants). On an especially cold night she would wear a skirt over the top of them. She got away with it... LOL
someone mentioned that since postcards are so quickly read information can be processed by the jw mind before they realise it is from a source that is not pro jw.
have any of you here had any experience sending postcards containing delightful words of truth about the troof?.
Hey Tsunami how did you go? A good first day and then the bookstudy... Poor thing. What an end to such an exciting day. Did you go ahead with the email study group idea?