The article was published in the Canberra Times 2 Sunday's ago... It got a mention at the convention too. Evidently everyone gushed about it. sigh.
JoinedPosts by misspeaches
Popes cousin a witness. Pope praises witnesses.
by PaNiCAtTaCk inhere is the article without the picture.
my cousin sent the article to me with picture by email but the picture was almost 4 megs so i am posting the article.
pope remembers steffie .
Well the sun is up but its pouring rain
its 1407 here!
Faithful doormats(My Mother-in-law)
by gringojj innothing new here just another case of the dubs taking advantage of my mother in law.
about 3 months ago we had gotten a kitten, and then we decided to move a month later, but we were still looking for a place.
it was possible that the new place wouldnt allow cats, so we asked mil if she would take our cat if we couldnt have her.
I feel sorry for these dubs the most. They are people who have kind hearts and are easily manipulated and taken advantage of by other cult members....
That was a sad story.
Another "New Light" or changing their damned story again about reserection
by crinklestein incan anyone confirm if their doctrin of the reserection has been changed?
a witness idiot i know has been trying to preach to me online trying to convert me.
he has stability issues himself with flip flopping back and forth between the "world" and the "truth".
I don't think there has been any changes on that part of the doctrine.
I would say that the poor man has gotten himself confused. No wonder when they live in their insular little world and most of them have little education. They lack the ability to reason normally.
Perhaps he has gotten confused with their policy on 'faith without works is dead'. Very commonly used to guilt dubbies into going to more meetings and more recruitment drives. (ie witnessing)
just begged for my job back
by JW83 inre my post yesterday, where i quit my job last week, i just emailed my boss begging for my job back.
am i absolutely tapped?!!
i think i'm going crazy & my husband is going to kill me.
6 months will just fly on by. Perhaps if you do get the job back you can talk to your boss about some changes in your hours or work assignments to make it more appealing?
OMG... that is hilarious... Looking at the article and the locality, dates of convention, the circuit this lady would come from and which convention she would be assigned to etc this article appears to be genuine.
The 3rd return visit.............
by vitty inthis got me thinking when i read another post "not knocking".
we could count the 3rd and subsequent return visits, a bible study, if you read a scripture.
these were called door stop studies.
Ah yes I am quite familiar with that method. The CO would regularly demonstrate it to the combined field service groups. The name we called them here in Oz was a 'doorstep study'. And the study would be counted as such without the householder even being aware that they were participating in a bible study.
Sorry Defd but this comment
I think thats a great way to get someone started. It is not misleading at all.
is incorrect. That recruiting tactic is entirely misleading. -
So you CAN be df'ed, even if inactive for months or years!!!!!!!!
mum banished from her church
jan 28 2005.
Far out Bliss. I read the topic header here saw it was by you and freaked out!
Meanwhile that is disgusting that any adult would say that to a 9 year old child. The society leaves grey area enough to make them bend the rules when it suits them. What an excellent antiwitness that newspaper article would have given!
Is this swearing, to a JW?
by wordlywife insaying "jesus" or "judas priest", as when watching a football game and a call or play is bad?
my jw husband does this frequently.. .
would this be considered swearing by the average witness?.
It shows how important Jesus is to the JW's as well. I bet your husband would never dare say 'Jehovah' or 'God' during a bad play but has no problem calling out Jesus.
Despite this though any of those expressions are unacceptable and if the elders knew they would be hauling his behind into a back room.