The Banished Ones accepted and
returned to their place of birth in MendaCity.
Mendacity? That is why I got the heck out of the borg. I couldn't stand the smell.
Definitions of mendacity on the Web:
- A falsehood; a lie
- the tendency to be untruthful
love, like a rose in bloom .
all of the rainbow children will feel it soon .
2 the east, word traveled about this energy .
The Banished Ones accepted and
returned to their place of birth in MendaCity.
Mendacity? That is why I got the heck out of the borg. I couldn't stand the smell.
Definitions of mendacity on the Web:
what are some household/daily products that you will only use, where there is just no substitute or exception?
*q-tips (no other cotton swab will do).. *mitchum unscented deodorant cream.
*colgate toothpaste.
A garage door opener, garbage disposal and dishwasher greatly add to my quality of life. I have never lived without these things till of late, and I miss them.
I know, cue the violins.
hey all!
i am new here and wanted to ask some advice.
i have been dating a disfellowshipped man for almost 3 years.
Jgnat said
Blondie is right. You can celebrate all you like and he is not supposed to interfere. But having sex outside of marriage is a definite no-no.
I would like to amend that to say unless you are a well connected Elder.
i just got some news and am still shaking.
my sister died today.
i hardly knew her .
Lady Lee, I am so sorry for the loss of your sister, and for the life that was unfourtunately hers.
have been hearing for a few weeks that i was disfellowshipped a while ago - like 2 or 3 months ago - but no one told me!
no call telling me about an announcement, no one informing me of a decision and my right to appeal!.
but, i have it on pretty good sources now that there was a "seeker4 is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses" announcement.. well, it's finally over.
Congratulations! (insert champagne bottle with popping cork emoticon). You are free. You now have the rest of your life to live and enjoy.
if any of you feel like praying and having your prayers heard and answered, feel free to send a prayer to me at [email protected].
i hear all prayers, and answer all prayers.
i will try to fulfill those within my powers, but i will be honest with you homo sapiens and say that i will not be able to fulfill all of them.
Oh Great, Powerful and All Wise Tetrapod, may your praises be blasted in unison by a thousand marching bands on College Football Saturday. Thank you and Simonized be your holy name for the squirells digging holes in my yard. Your blessings are abundant as shown by the number of divots I have to repair, and your munificence manifest in providing plenty of rodents for us to enjoy at our humble table. I ask that you continue to provide a food chain for our family, and a personal note, where have all our left socks gone? Thank you for your indifferent benevolence, in Dick Cheney's Holy Name, Amun.
omg - can you imagine watching the ems wheeling this man out?
i know it's wrong
man sues home depot after using glue-covered toilet
Now that I have wiped the captain coke off the screen, I'll say bet this guy has watched 'Crank Yankers'.
if all the xdubs were gathered together in one place and a head count taken, how many of us would there be?
Or how many Ho Jo's would it take to hold all the Jo Ho's?
Well if quotes had intentionally published his materials in a satrical way, (one in which no one would take the claims seriously) then he would have been ok.
Would a banner at the top of each page reading something to the effect of "this is what these highly trained biblical scholars, very loving brothers without any child molester amoung them believe on alternate thursdays in months ending Y" qualify as satire?
Would a Sparticus Strategy (trade mark this!) of having so many mirrors beat the Theocratic Fatwa Strategy (trade mark this too)?
Quotes has fought the good fight. I could not fault him for apologizing and pulling the plug.
seeing how i dislike your avatar sssooo much i purpose this.
lets pick for eachother a new avatar.
what ever one we pick for eachother we must sport it for a week.
Here's a couple of pix, I just can't figgure out whom should use which.