Can anyone give us an update on the status of the suit?
Quotes lawsuit update
by rebel8 40 Replies latest jw friends
This same question crossed my mind an hour ago. Haven't heard from Quotes for awhile.
Enigma One
Well if the lawsuits work in Canada like they do here in the USA, he will have a court date about 3 years from now. Over the next 30 months the lawyers will trade motions, discovery, and whatnot. Quotes will run up a $ 200,000 bill in legal expenses.....against an adversary who unlimited resources. In three years a trial will ensue. Then whoever loses will appeal the decision. So we should have it all sorted out sometime in Oct. of 2010.
GREAT Armaggedon will SO be over and done with before then!
Eo: didn't you read billygoat's post? Quit being so negative.
I hope he gets a fair shake in all of this.
I expect Quotes will have to find some way to settle out of court. It is a financial burden that is nearly insurmountable. If he had the ability to countersue with a reasonable expectation of success that would be a different story altogether but, as it stands, I would imagine he won't be able to afford it.
Enigma One
Eyebrow, my little sweets, (is that positive enough) NOTHING about America's nor Canada's legal system is pleasant, positive, or fair. Quotes will have to ask himself" "How much justice can he afford?"
For the more naive among us, can anyone explain why it costs money to be sued? What costs do you incur along the way?
For the more naive among us, can anyone explain why it costs money to be sued?
Because in order to defend yourself, you need a lawyer. If you would actually like to win the case, you need a good lawyer. The attorney needs to be paid to defend you, which involves many hours of work on the attorney's part, at up to hundreds of dollars an hour. Generally, the more skilled your attorney is, the more he will charge. That's why organizations like the WTS, with unlimited resources and their own corporate attorneys, are so potentially dangerous to the 'little guy', who can't afford to pay to defend himself for the years it takes for a case to get to trial.
Enigma One
In America, you have to defend yourself against a complaint otherwise whatever the opposing party is claiming can be enforced....monetary claims, cease and desists, etc.
A defense lawyer costs between $ 175 to $ 250 per hour. ( For an actual attorney certified to try cases in federal court it's about $ 275 to $ 375 an hour).
Filing motions and studying various statutes and precedents takes hours and hours. Also in the discovery process each party has to spend time turning over evidence. Hours and hours are needed. In deposition stages, the parties call witnesses that get questioned by the opposing counsel. Airfare, hotel, and deposition time is needed. For a deposition it is quite common for the defending attorney to fly out two days before. They spend a 1/2 day preparing themselves for the deposition, spend a full day doing prep with the defendant for the deposition, and then a full day for the deposition. Quite possibly 20 hours work for a single deposition. 20 hours x $ 200 an hour = $ 8,000 plus travel expenses = $ 10,000.
Spending $ 200,000 in pre-trial expenses for a SIMPLE case is quite common. Spending another $ 50,000 to try it. For the appeal process add lots of time and money. In addition to the monies required....the time someone like Quote will have to spend is arduous. Perhaps 10 or 20 hours a week in fulfilling demands of the lawyers during the "slow phase" of the lawsuit. Once it gears up for trial then those #'s go way up too. Add to this the stress and burden of paying for one's legal defense, plus the lost time, and threats of losing everything you own to these bastards are usually enough for most people to throw their hands up and pay the bastards off. It's like the mafia holding you up for ransom. It's the way the American legal system works. It sucks, and lawyers are absolute bastards and facilitators of this behavior. It's sickening.