My thanks Englishman,
Ugh... That article made my skin crawl. The lack of honest debate even about piddly matters was what started my "fadaway" shortly thereaftore this period.
Also, could they please define "soon" pleeeeez? (para. 15)
this article made me smile:.
march 15, 1986.. allow no place for the devil!.
"ephesians 4:26, 27.. a vicious wild beast is on the prowl.
My thanks Englishman,
Ugh... That article made my skin crawl. The lack of honest debate even about piddly matters was what started my "fadaway" shortly thereaftore this period.
Also, could they please define "soon" pleeeeez? (para. 15)
hello all, hope everyone is well,.
as i read many posts there seems to be many that "closet" read and it isnt till many months or even years that they actually post something.
was just wondering how long it took other people to post and did they feel guilty?.
No guilt at all as far as joining any discussion forum or debating society
For me it was just a couple of days' worth of surfing and I jumped in. I faded away a long time ago so its more a curiosity thing (and a desire to learn) for me, but the word "apostate" is one that does make me think twice (still!!!!) when deciding whether or not to listen to someone or read their work! So, there is still some "residual porgramming" in there somewhere.
That and the quality of the posters I've read so far led me to jumping in so "quickly". (interesting topic idea, particulary for post departure behaviours for people like me)
Welcome Writegirl!
hi y'all from chimpgirl in the uk.
have been posting on support board for exjws for a year or so now and someone there pointed me in your direction.
glad i found ya!.
Hi Chimpgirl,
Thanks for that post. My youngest sibling is going thru a bad time right now as well with similar with similar results. We (myself and brother #2) have had him move in with us last month in an attempt to finally diagnose his conditions (s) and get some psychiatric and medical help in a controlled environment. I feel he's a bipolar depressive as well from everything I've read.
My parents (still JW's) have a hard time "dealing" with this one (though they did ty professional help when he was a child.) since these conditions are not "talked about" in the halls (and because of their backgrounds - working class families both) and kept sending him forth after each time he "crashed and burned" to the point were its become a cycle. We're a little perturbed but we acknowledge that they're still a cut above their respective parents in the performance department.
Anything you might want to share about your experiences would be helpful (things you would recommend, things you'd avoid, etc...) and I appreciate your candour a lot. Unfortunately, Most days are these incredible patience trials (we try to keep our hands in our pockets so that we don't throttle him to death but its damned hard (and we're not mean guys!) and I fear I'll be headed for the "nuthouse" by the time he's cured/manafging! But, I guess that's just our Irish blood talking and we should try to get the better of it.
for the longest time i was afraid to see it, and when i did i have to admit i felt 'weird', anyone else feel this way.
Funny you should mention that.
I was a kid when the movie came out and still haven't seen it. Even as a teeneager who loved gruesome violence, anything with occult subject matters gave me the heebee geebbee's foe several nights after when I tried to go to sleep!!!!
i never properly introduced myself.
i just hopped on and started posting!
my story reads pretty much the same as most of yours.
Hi Heather,
Thanks for the intro. I seem to have been luckier than most folks here on the board.
Hey, we ex-Jw's all over the place...
just to say hello.
been lurking awhile.nice site!
will tell my story real soon.
Greetings fellow newbie. Will look out for your post.
hey there.
i'm new to this board, so i thought i'd introduce myself with a story.
it details the kind of thursday night we all dreaded as a young jw.
Thanks for the chuckles d and b. (I can't wait to hear your service "experiences"!)
Welcome "aboard".
my parents went to the assembly this weekend.
they were telling me about disciplining children... the speaker was saying how all babies are born selfish and demanding for their own needs and not anyone elses.
the jist of the talk being about discipline, and training children taking them out for a good beating.. well, i don't know if any of you have ever 'just seen red!
Wow... A lot of painful stories here.
I feel the root of the problem is the ethnic group of origin for the WTS. Evil Anglo-Saxons (Yes, I know recent scholarship is reviewing this label). The dominant social group in America, we have a tremendous reliance on violence to solve any problem (it worked pretty well for centuries), propelling Western Europe above more "advanced" eastern societies.
That "heritage" pervades the mind-set of the leadership still. Got a problem, use force. Couple that with unreasonable behaviour expectations for children (Nazareen lifestyle, physical self-control, etc...) I still think every kid should be a little afraid of their "old man" - weird huh?
That said, It was the intial and main method my paerents used in trying to "mold" my second brother who had ADD and was often mischief bent (but never mean). I used to feel bad for him. That said, he doesn't resent it because they changed their tactics when they saw that it wasn't "working". If I had kids, I would still want the corporal option even if I didn't need to use it.
An unrealistic behaviour standard requires brutal or extreme enforcement by an org. (Soviet Army circa WW2 for example) for individual motivation.
if god is such a loving deity, why the apparent need to kill off sinners before they would die naturally?
if he were truly loving, wouldn't he allow them every opportunity to repent?
by killing them he has sent them directly to satan, his enemy.. would a truly compassionate being allow --even dictate -- that their children be tortured mercilessly, i.e.hell.
Well said (are you a Steve Eriksen fan?).