Welcome to JWD Krystal.This is a great place to start "learning" about our old org. and realizing that we are not as "alone" as we all thought once. Power in numbers!
i am 20 years old and i left the organization when i was 17. there are of course many gorey details which i will not get into right now... but i just wanted to say how happy i am to have found this fourm.
as many of you remember, we were always instructed not to read anything about jehovah's witnesses that wasn't written by the organization.
well, that instruction stuck, and this is the first time i three years that i have dared to even look.. needless to say, i found some very disturbing information.
Welcome to JWD Krystal.This is a great place to start "learning" about our old org. and realizing that we are not as "alone" as we all thought once. Power in numbers!
retroviral sequences: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/86797/1.ashx.
cytochrome c: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/87238/1.ashx.
this week's primary source: .
Thanks SNG. Will check out that site later. Have a good (and productive) week!
Eduardo, thanks for the background info from Wikipedia.
I'd have to agree with the idea of a general decline. My impression (thru observations and discussions) is that there is a decline in the intellectual quality in JW general communications but also with the ministerial ability of the "average" JW.
As the "Good News"- JW style- becomes more ridiculous (dateline doctrine, etc...), the org. will have to focus on the ill-educated in each of its branch office jurisdictions' respective societies.
hi there friends, i'm just jumping out of my skin with an email i just received from my older sister in reponse to this letter that i posted to my family just last week http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/87881/1.ashx.
this is the response i received just now;"hey babyi got your letter.
i cant write very much now but i just wanted to let you know i received it and i was very moved.
Great news!
Very interesting. Thanks for posting this Eduardo. The GBS does seems to be using a lot more "wiggle room" in their public communications these days compared to my time!
So one of the "Early First Signs" will be Hilary's nomination drive eh?
i bet many had their wives make it...... .
when i joined the jw's, i didn't know how to make a tie knot, and still don't.
i guess that if i tried, i'd look like this below.... .
I wish I had that chart when I was a kid! I think that's a Half-Winsdor knot (the one the old man taught me, still classier than the Four-in-Hand more commonly used today. If my tie wasn't perfect it would bug me the entire time I had it on!
so, as you know, last weekend i provided some info to an elder relative of mine regarding 607. .
i am going to give him a couple weeks to research everything i brought up to him.
i don't expect him to fully accept what i said, but there is no doubt that there will be some questions in his head as to why things don't add up.
Good luck Seymour!
I don't think you'll make any progress despite having it all spread out for him but I would recommend that you continually and repeatedly appeal to his sense of intellectual honesty and fairness (what the JW's at least preach to people when examining their faith's teachings). Do this over and over when he tries to be illogical or use emotional appeals or shows disdain for the basic thinking responsibility that every person has. Make him practice what he's supposed to be preaching!
W. (a tape recording might be useful for later review)
i am hoping there are others of you that have the same feelings as my self and can help me to move on from them!.
currently i am in therapy due to different things that have happened in my life (not just to do with the witnesses!!
) and i thought it would be good to share my last session with you.. as a jw you are given your goal in life- your point.
Hi Becks,
Welcome to the forum. My siblings and I still confront this "problem" years later. The idea of "purpose" in life is the org.'s main selling point IMO. We're still trying to learn about ourselves but we're very unambitious in regards to "worldy pursuits". This seems to be a very prevalent problem for most raised in the org. who leave (didn't want to be a double-lifer myself!). You're very lucky to have some quality friends around you (many leave with no support) since one's relationships with other people is the main determinant in a "successful" life.
I'm an agnostic now with Humanist leanings (I think humans are the coolest things in the Universe) as this philosophy is primarily concerned with human development as a collective entity. I think we humans must make our world better on our own through our interactions with others.
You'll find a lot of great information and debate on this board.
i've been racking this around my brain for a minute now.
you've got people puttin in an average of 10 hours a month, giving away countless publications, and still only converting one or two families every 20 years or so.
this raises an obvious question, "if the door to door ministry doesn't bring in converts why do it?
I think its now "make-busy" work. When coupled with the meeting and personal study requirements/suggestions, who's got time for mischief or independent thinking? It's like the army where officers and noncoms will make work for the troops to keep'em too busy (idle hands...). The ineffectualness of the activity is now secondary to the real utility this basic tool of organizational control (especially in light of the "bogus" nature of the reported efforts/accomplishments).
This does seem strange given the org.'s embrace of technology in the past (radio for example) but we all understand why the internet hasn't been embraced as a tool for communication - you have to prove the veracity of your spiels!
hello everyone... this is my first post.
i stumbled upon this board a few hours ago, so i trolled for a bit and i like the discussions..
Welcome to forum Smorgle!
There is a broad spectrum of new and developing "belief systems" among the members so you'll find a lot of quality debate.I was surprised at how much I didn't know about my old organization (left the org. years ago, joined the board a couple of months ago).
W. (will wait on the Rise & Fall...)