JoinedTopics Started by desbah
Dark Sith Lord Tom Cruise
by desbah ingotta go to this site to see tomcat zap oprah
4th of July
by desbah in.
i'm just wondering.....since some of you are now no longer apart of wt will you celebrate with a usa flag displayed outside your house.....
Whats for....
by desbah in...stop for a moment and write down what you are eating right this it lunch, dinner, breakfast or are you snacking??
silly pet names
by desbah in.
k....ppl what silly name did you give to your dog,cat,hamster,rabbit or horse?.
i named my dog.....holy cow....
holy cow....why did this happen?
by desbah in.
well last night i went to see that new star war iii flick that everybody is talking about....and when i got back from the late showing..... i noticed my silver chevy 4x4 truck is gone.
so i went out looking for my truck.....since it was prom nite last night i went checkin at all the local party sites but i gave up around 4 am...... now i'm stilling here thinking maybe this is some form of punishment from god....or is the devil playing a mean trick on me!!!!!
taking care of my elderly JW mother
by desbah inafter lurking around this and other forums, i decided to add my personal experience.
first i was raised in the so called "truth" i was forced to attend meeting in the 60's when i was a teen and i later quit going to the kh in the early 70's, when i graduated from high school and left my parents house.
in the 90's i started a book study with a really nice jw sister and attended several jw meeting, conventions and memorials, i was ready to get baitized, but i decided not to go through with it.