Actually there are a lot of superficial reasons why I am happier, but the biggest thing is just having the abality to have true compasation for others. When I was in the organization I never really felt empathy or sorrow as I do that I am out. I have a complete different outlook on people and I am actually touched more and more willing to help others then when I was ever in the org.
JoinedPosts by TheOneBuck
Give Reasons Why You're Happy That You're No Longer A Witness
by minimus inone reason is that you don't have to go to boring meetings 5 times per week and field service where you knock on doors knowing no one will answer.
Can anyone help with info to refute only 144,000 going to heaven?
by The Leological One ini've recently shown my wife this forum (she's a df'd jw who does still hold fast to jw views).
she's been really depressed and feels down on herself constantly because she wasn't a better witness and seems to feel she has no hope of a personal relationship with god now that she's df'd.
i was a little upset a moment ago trying to get her out of her depression by pushing my point of view that the wt is full of $hit regarding a great many number of things, the least of which that only 144,000 people are going to heaven/effectively can be saved.
by telling her the views that were depressing her were wrong to begin with
Who likes being told they are wrong.. Make yourself visable when you do research, so she might sit it. Actually do some research together and see what you think about the 144,000. Do not rely on others to tell if it is right or wrong decide for yourself. I think if you both go into it with an open mind you will be amazed at the outcome... not only hers but yours.
Can anyone help with info to refute only 144,000 going to heaven?
by The Leological One ini've recently shown my wife this forum (she's a df'd jw who does still hold fast to jw views).
she's been really depressed and feels down on herself constantly because she wasn't a better witness and seems to feel she has no hope of a personal relationship with god now that she's df'd.
i was a little upset a moment ago trying to get her out of her depression by pushing my point of view that the wt is full of $hit regarding a great many number of things, the least of which that only 144,000 people are going to heaven/effectively can be saved.
I do not have the direct information you need but I can tell you deeply love your wife and the story saddens me. This is sigly the biggest reason why I am not an active witness. The whole df thing just drives me nuts. It is so clear that this is not christian love but yet they practice it. DF intent was never to be a form of punishment as it is used today but a method to help the whole. There is a HUGE difference between weakness and being evil. I think if you ever sat down ad read the bible (thankfully I have before becoming a witness) the one thing that you see over and over and over and over again is gods love for us, all of us. I could not sit there with a straight face and df someone because they had a habit of smoking, or comitted fornication because the examples we have from the bible do not support this.
I think if I was in your position show the great acts of love God has shown man and tell her to keep that relationship with god because she does not need man to allow her too.
Sorry that you are going through this.
Kooky Web Site: Scientists Drilled to Hell and Recorded Screams
by rebel8 inthis is hilarious.
there is actually an audio file you can listen to that the "scientists" allegedly recorded from hell.
it sounds like people screaming from a distance.. they also say that a bat-like being arose from the hole and spoke..
Post #666
by Nancy Drake in.
i just had to acknowledge my 666th post on an apostate website.
can't wait to get to 144,000.. .
"It's funny how easy those MGD's "
Ahh a woman after my own heart.. All things in life black and gold rock. MGD, Steelers.. etc etc....
OK we got TheOneBuck, Dutchy Elle, schne_belly....
by under74 in....whiskey somethin' or other...right?
i think i saw a bunch of "i'm new here" threads but i was a jerk and didn't post on them.
all you new guys sign in here so i know who i'm dealing with.
Hi -- I will write an official I am he/me when time permits. For me, I truly love people and wish nothing but the best for them. I have strong opiions but I have a a strong ear and understading. No woder I could not be an Thanks for the welcome
I made a mistake
by under74 inthe other day i was on a site....looking for a certian news clip i had seen where an older news guy get's mad at the news anchor that replaced him on air...anyway a hit came up reading old news anchor and i downloaded it.
after it was done downloading i started playing it.
this guy's handing out things to certain people he calls by name at a press conference.
Disgusting.... that is the thing, why package that so little kids can see it (not that I am calling you a little kid
. I know if my son would have seen that and he was trying to get a Brittney Spears song I would use every networking tool in the world find the SOB who did it and flat out pumple him, after that I would deal with my son for downloading such trash.....
JW at meetings vs. JW at social events
by truth_about_the_truth inhave you noticed how jw switch modes depending on where they are?
they seem a lot more 'normal' at social gatherings than while they are engaged in 'theocratic' activities.. it's like there's a spiritual switch that they turn on and off.
zombie mode/human mode
Hahaha yeah they did lie about it a lot. I never did, if I polished a fifth and they asked I would tell them. Getting loopy drunk every now and again does not make you a drunk, but again there are always ones out there who take things way to literally or try to force their opinions on you.... nevermind this could end up being a LONG reply
Help, I have another friend still in.
by ColdRedRain ini have another friend that's still in the org and she's also drank the jw kool aid big time.
the reason why was they came to her just after her baby died.
she's going through a rough time as it is right now.
I know I am new to posting and this will not make me popular right off the back, but why should we interfere with an adult making a decision that may be best for them. I think it is EXTREMELY important that you show her the some of the things that you know about the truth but ultimatley encourage her to be happy. Religion is what it is, it provides hope and security for a lot of people, if this is what will make her happy then do not take that from her. Havig said that after getting all the facts I am sure her decision to become a JW will be less. I think if you and other friends can show her the same amount of love/help as the JW's are right now she might realize she does not need an org to help her fill this void. Summary, be there for you friend she does not need any more turmoil in her liife right now.
Good Luck
I made a mistake
by under74 inthe other day i was on a site....looking for a certian news clip i had seen where an older news guy get's mad at the news anchor that replaced him on air...anyway a hit came up reading old news anchor and i downloaded it.
after it was done downloading i started playing it.
this guy's handing out things to certain people he calls by name at a press conference.