JoinedTopics Started by TheOneBuck
Did You Have A Lot of "Friends" In The Organization?
by minimus inwere you associated with regularly?
did you have many friends?
were you the life of the party?
whyamihere & son HOME!!
by HadEnuf infriends, neighbors & forummen/women:
today whyamihere was able to bring her little guy home from the hospital.
they had to stay another night with him hooked up to the iv as the liver tests had been discouraging at first...but normal by last night.
Kid Rock or P-Diddy
by Dustin in.
i can't decide which i like better kid rock .
who's your next american smiley idol?
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-3-05 WT Study (complete)
by blondie inwhom do you see at this place of worship?
christian identity or their identity as jehovah?s witnesses?.
faith and confidence in?his organization?in jehovah and his promises which can only be explained by the wts.
Law and Order
by jula71 indid anyone catch last night?s law and order?
the plot was about a cult that had a history of child molestation and when accusations surfaced, the leader said that kind of thing is not tolerated and those involved were expelled from the church.
hmmmm?who does that sound like?
What's The Main Concern For A Jehovah's Witness?.. How About A Christian's?
by minimus injws clearly don't seem to be like other "christian" religions when it comes to their mission.
a jw's mission is simply to preach.
taking care of the ill, doing errands for the elderly, visiting other members----these are not priorities to a witness.
What Was Your Greatest "Privilege" In The Organization?
by minimus inwas it being able to join the theocratic ministry school?
being a regular pioneer?
"handling microphones"?
Terri Schiavo's life and struggle over...
by Country Girl infound at .
terri's struggle for life has ended this morning.. december 3, 1963 - march 31, 2005 .
god bless you, terri.
Being Marked
by TheOneBuck inpardon my igorrance to this but i do not recall ever hearig a talk markig someone.
i have been publicly reproved before but is this the same thing.
when they mark an individual do they mention their name, or is a talk of generalities and people can point out who they are talking about.