You might want to check out what the scholars say about the book of Revelation before you get too worried!!!
i have always wonder even as a young child growing up is how will we know that the world has entered into the "great tribulation"?
how will we know when it is armaggeddon?
will jehovah or jesus announce from the heavens that it is the time?
You might want to check out what the scholars say about the book of Revelation before you get too worried!!!
let's face it, it seems like a simplification of the df process as many of you have already mentioned.. within the 6 million or so jw worldwide, there has to be a good number of ppl that are on the fringes of being dfed.
in the past, it took time to technically df these ppl because of the no-shows at judicial hearings and appeals.
also dfing a person can be delayed when no actual proof can be provided of the sin committed.
About 2 yrs ago, I went to an assembly and they had a very pointed talk about disfellowshipping and disassociated ones. They CLEARLY said that people are not taking it seriously and that some are still associating with these ones. They said that by doing this, the Godly discipline will not work as affectively in drawing those ones in error back to the fold.
I think that may be the reason for what is written in the new book. To reinforce everyone to abide by the rules because too many are not!!! With the internet now this can spell death to an organization like that.
my mother recently told me that the congregation was scolded by their district sales manager....errr circuit overseer for poor meeting attendance.
it seems that at times attendance would sink as low as 60%.
she didn't respond when i said that maybe there was something good on television that night.
Now I understand why when I went to a two day assembly with my 3yr old, 1yr old and my 3week old baby and my 1 yr old was puking all night with a fever of 105 that my mom told everyone that I just didn't want to be at the assembly. I guess I should have had my priorities a little straighter and smartened my little girls attitude for being so difficult.
the attorney general of saskatchewan .
1. no search warrant can be issued with regards to documents that are known to be protected by solicitor-client privilege.
(3) as to the issue of whether documents are "known" to be protected by solicitor-client privilege, there is now a presumption that lawyer's bills of account are prima facie privileged.
Holy Crap!!! That is a neighbor cong to where I live. In fact I know one of those elders.(Emelson). I just emailed the link to an ex-jw that lives in Northbattleford to see if she knows anything about this whole thing.
apostate literature - i have read the lot.
you name it - c of c, gentile times reconsidered, thirty tears a watchtower slave, the orwellian world of jehovah's witness, apocalypse delayed, and the freeminds and watchtower observer sites, so on and so on.
and i have been reading the posts on this site regularly pretty much since it started, and hourglass before it.
When I was DF'd, I thought JWs had the truth and that I was DF'd for not listening to Jehovah. I hated going door to door and meetings because they sucked, but I also thought I was a rebelious spirit and in time I would go back if there was still time left. (drinking and stuff was fun)
I did go back and tried to be a good witness, but I started to notice strange things about the witnesses. The way they thought and reasoned about life and what was important to them. The fact that you have 0 privacy, 0 decision making ability, I had to be talked to about proper sex because my husband was not JW. Little things like that made me wonder about this whole thing.
At DC's they would count things like "hair gel" as some of the "more important things" to be giving talks on. My mother would hysterically bawl through the drama's. It all started to seem fake and too controlling. I started checking what Jesus message was really all about. The Watchtower Org is so far away from what Jesus really came down to teach. That is, how to love and forgive others, not keep them in line. That's what the scribes and pharisees did.
Jesus message was to free people from any sort of imprisonment by showing them that they are forgiven for all they do. That no person/group should hold them back from this. In the org I remember being told "pioneer, pioneer, pioneer and probably you will be saved". Jesus just said we are forgiven. He didn't require people to live the way JW live or feel the way they do (drudgery). He didn't even require submission from others. So why are these men thinking they have the right to have something Jesus didn't even require? He freely offered the kingdom to people. And while he did ask his disciples to spread the message, look around the world. How many people haven't heared of Jesus Christ?
Most people know who he is and it isn't because the JW 's are the ones who spread the message. It is so many religions that missioned in other countries. No one knows the exact truth anymore. All we can be sure of is what is Good and Kind and Loving and Honest. Who cares whether Jesus was born in Oct not Dec. The world is in trouble.
It is hard to get that to sink in if all you have ever been told your whole life is" you must be in Jah's org to be saved", "we are Jah's only true org", "anyone outside of Jah's org will not be spared". Over years you would be amazed what that stuff does to a person. Of course you will think they are God's Org.
This Org has taught me many beneficial things. It still doesn't make them RIGHT! They bind up the kingdom for all of us so as not to let us in. That just is not their job. They also judge us all which is also not their job. I just don't care if it is to keep "God's Org clean" . They get rid of people for just raising too many questions and not agreeing openly.
If you must go back then keep this stuff in mind because eventually you will see it and then maybe it will be easy for you to finally break free from their mind control, family control, personal life control etc
the organized to accomplish our ministry (om book) will be replaced on sunday march 20, 2005 with a book titled organized to do jehovah's will.
this is confidential, so be sure to tell your relatives and friends that are still in!
will there be any updates to the org's procedures, or just a re-hash of old policies?
Doesn't the title of the new book sound like they may be planning on putting more about listening to the organization as being God's Will and then having more crap that the baptised witnesses or witness to be must accept?
not sure if this is a "made up" email or not -- sounds like any other talk you've ever heard..... .
>a talk recently given by brother guy pierce ... .
>safeguard your spirituality by training your perceptive powers .
I wonder if they are aware of how hard families are finding it to just provide for themselves let alone support the Brooklyn freeloaders!!!! I and my siblings did without because our money went to gas for service and meetings and anything else was for the society and kingdom hall fund. Those dumbasses!!!
God it feels great to finally say how I feel!
you know that d.c. isn?t the capital where the president of the united states lives .
a pioneer isn?t an 1800?s historical figure who traveled the west.
the majority of books in your parent?s bookshelf have years on them.
When 80% of the congregation is fighting over who gets the next janitor contract.
is it that it's all a joke, a smokescreen?
is it all about 'just do for us and expect nothing in return'?
is it that they really don't care about anything but their property and their real estate?
I can't help, but imagine the GB sitting up there everyday and laughing. Thinking this is TOO easy!
God these people will believe anything just as long as you tell them you are in charge. And if any get any ideas we will just threaten them with loss of family and that God will kill them. It'll work just watch!!!
as i was returning home yesterday, i noticed an elderly lady sitting at a card table next to the security line.
immidiately, her "my book of bible stories" jumped out at me.
her table was covered with printed propaganda.
I think your mom is with my mom having coffee. They are discussing how retarded their children are