I am married to an unbeliever. Although I have since left the witnesses, part of the reason was because of the pressure to choose between what was good for my children and family and what the witness organization wanted.
You must understand that if you marry this guy that you will alway have to answer to the elders before your own husband. Because he isn't a baptised member your husbands interests will need to be second to any demand of the elders. Your children will also be taught to be subject to the elders before their own father.
It became painfully difficult to keep my family together and stay a witness. My choices were to divide my family and have God's favor or keep my family together and die in armageddon.
It is an impossible situation. My mother and father seperated and divorced because of the witness beliefs. It was a difficult upbringing and one that I see as totally unnecessary. Our family was broken apart because it was not compatible with the watchtower society. What may have been a stable and loving environment for raising children became a horrible nightmare that we may never recover totally from.
Please think about what is better for your children and yourself---Not what the witnesses proclaim God wants. They may be terribly wrong and they are playing with peoples lives here. You cannot redo the lives of your children. If you make a decision about your life and your childrens lives according to an organizations requirements, you will be terribly disappointed. Only you should be making this decision.