I have the perfect solution to this problem of dubs who cannot keep a confidence and who make themselves a liability to their employers:
The doctors and other professionals should simply sue the religious organization(s) in question who are demanding that their adherents violate a confidence.
This would probably put a stop to it.
JoinedPosts by LongHairGal
JWs required to report medical information to elders
by Elsewhere inthere was an article, i believe in the awake!, that talks about a hypothetical medical worker who in a hypothetical situation comes to find out that a jw has accepted a medical procedure that is not accepted by the wts.
this hypothetical worker must decide where or not she will report the hypothetical violation to the elders.
does anyone recall where i can find this article?
Self denial for the sake of the WTS?
by greendawn inas a jw were you really willing to make sacrifices, great and small, for the "truth" or did you feel deep down that it wasn't worth it?
when did you decidedly say no to being self denying for the sake of the wts?
Not much, really. But I regret that I didn't save more money and get a better education.
I never really believed in self-denial anyway. Besides, I used to look at those who were telling everybody else to deny themselves and saw that they didn't deny themselves anything. Classic case of do as I say, not as I do.
But what really got me was when certain older women in the hall who were married at least twice and were grandmothers were telling some young girl she should stay single and pioneer with her menial job. The nerve of them!!!
These people had everything, did and saw everything twice (and expected to do it AGAIN in the new system no doubt) but yet they had the audacity to tell some young unsuspecting girl she should put her life on hold.
I am convinced they wanted young single drudges around to do favors for selfish old bags in the hall.
!!! -
What's Your Opinion of Putting Spy Cameras On City Streets?
by minimus inthe new york post has an article on how the police commissioner plans on having spy cameras put in certain city streets that have high crime activity----not to monitor activity as it's happening but to review footage if a crime did occur in the area---after the fact.________what's your thought on this?
I don't like it either but some areas are so crime ridden with repeat offenders that there is little other choice. Whether or not it is a deterrent is another thing entirely.
Another thing people are moaning about is how you can't get into federal buildings anymore unless you have a pass. The security is outrageous. Well, what do you want? We now have dangerous people in the country like never before.
There always were criminals but this is a whole new thing. -
What to wear to the District Convention
by sass_my_frass ini'm just gearing up to head off to the district convention.
i was worried about the shunning thing but then realised, how about i just don't wear the uniform, and dress like a study instead?
with a wig and sunnies none of my people will notice me, and strangers will treat me nicely and share their sandwiches and offer me bible studies.
I visited the convention at the coliseum two years ago wearing a denim skirt and went around outside during lunch. I spoke to a few people.
Well, I became aware of an attendant following me! He didn't say anything but I knew he was suspicious.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were instructed to follow anybody who isn't dressed "theocratically" i.e, no denim, etc.
I guess they were afraid I might be an apostate!!! -
by Terry infreud said:.
"if it were really a matter of indifference what we belive, then we might just as well build our bridges of cardboard as of stone, or inject a tenth of a gram of morphine into a patient instead of a hundredth, or take teargas as a narcotic instead of ether; but the intellectual anarchists themselves would strongly repudiate any such practical applications of their theory.".
intellectual honesty requires a match between the real world; the practical world where things either work or do not work at all.....and the state of mind inside your head.. if there is any mismatch at all the blurred line fuzzes out into failure to recognise what is real and what isn't.. jehovah's witnesses replace the real world with an artificially constructed one.
I am grateful I was such a bad witness and was on the fringes so I was more of a realist than the other dubs I knew.
But in reading through your list I was surprised to find that some so-called worldly people I know indulge in such self-deception as well. More than you may imagine. They are not all realists. A lot of people live in their own little bubble.
But in all honesty none are as bad as the dubs. -
Give me three good non-JW examples of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE?
by ithinkisee in.
i am looking for some good practical examples of cognitive dissonance so if it comes up in the near future i can provide some good non-jw examples ... and then parallel it with cognitive dissonance in the jws.. thanks!.
I can think of one offhand. Maybe it is not the best one:
The belief that everybody is your "brother" and that there is "love" there and you should trust and love everybody and the reality you experience is exactly opposite of what you are told is there. You try to bend your brain around this situation and make it work but you can't. You try not to think about it because it will make you depressed. -
Were you told you had to tolerate things as a test?
by LongHairGal in(i made a thread like this but it seemed to have gotten lost).
i got in some heated discussions years ago over what i would and would not tolerate from people with regard to abuse on a personal level.
we were always fed the line that we should forgive our brother, etc.
Yes, it is confusing. They like to use the story of Job. But let's not forget that was a special case. He was especially targeted and Jehovah was allowing all those things to happen to him. Everything that happened to him was out of his hands and he could not stop it, from the physical affliction to the deaths of his children. These things were "acts of God" or "Satan" if you will.
In today's world what happens in dubland are not acts of god but rather acts of man that can either be prevented or rectified in some way.
There is no excuse!
Were you told you had to tolerate things as a test?
by LongHairGal in(i made a thread like this but it seemed to have gotten lost).
i got in some heated discussions years ago over what i would and would not tolerate from people with regard to abuse on a personal level.
we were always fed the line that we should forgive our brother, etc.
You raise good points. In fact I raised them myself on a separate thread about justice. That is the whole point. They cannot administer justice. Not just because theirs is a phoney baloney illusion in which they expect you to swallow injustice or "absorb" the problem but because I have serious doubts that god is actually going to pay back every living person for every wrong thing they ever did!
I hated the expression "wait on Jehovah" because all it meant was that nobody was going to do anything to change anything there. I feel this expression was over-used and mis-used. It really refers to the big picture like the scene of the world, etc. It does not refer to small things that we all can do. After all, he did give us a brain.
Were you told you had to tolerate things as a test?
by LongHairGal in(i made a thread like this but it seemed to have gotten lost).
i got in some heated discussions years ago over what i would and would not tolerate from people with regard to abuse on a personal level.
we were always fed the line that we should forgive our brother, etc.
I experienced the same phenomenon you did, where other people were cut slack but I wasn't. Hypocrisy at its worst. I always wondered about this and figured maybe it just came down to personalities. In short, they liked the other person more than me. It is nice to know it isn't just gender based! I suspect though that it may have a lot to do with if the "favored" person is knocking themselves out in the ministry - then certain things will be overlooked unless they piss off the "wrong" people.
Over time though I tended to bother with fewer people there because it seems they are rife with uppity and screwy people. I have no tolerance for them, but not because I am not sympathetic to the human condition. No, it is because I feel faulty teachings are leading certain people to think they can do and get away with anything - and expect to be forgiven. If I didn't know better I might think they expected to be rewarded for their bad behavior!
Rather than having confrontations with uppity people with twisted logic and pay them back the way they deserve to be paid back I cut many people loose.
Goodbye to the 'Hollow people!'
by Gill ini was reading earlier on on the freeminds site about whether people were happy now they've finally left the jw org.. one person was saying that he realised they were all 'hollow people' who would disappear like a puff of smoke if he took a step wrong.. i sat there thinking, yes, i am very happy now.
but i remember a few years ago sitting, shaking and crying a counsellors office distressed because all my 'friends' and relatives were never going to have anything to do with me again if i left the borg.
it has taken three years and yes, non of my 'friends' have anything to do with me or my family and relatives have cut down their contact to the bare essentials.
Further to them being like hollow people:
Being at a meeting and feeling so alone and being ignored and feeling like a hologram on the wall.