The New York Post has an article on how the police commissioner plans on having spy cameras put in certain city streets that have high crime activity----not to monitor activity as it's happening but to review footage if a crime did occur in the area---after the fact.________What's your thought on this??
What's Your Opinion of Putting Spy Cameras On City Streets?
by minimus 115 Replies latest jw friends
from the standpoint of a computer hacker, a brilliant opportunity for a fun game.
from a civilian standpoint, horrible.
It would have bothered me a lot more at 17
i think of how many crimes are on tape in parking lots.........kidnapping children.........and how that footage helps to get them I am all for it. I have nothing to hide. If they ever want to film my private home and outer would really bother me.
so I am all for it. I have nothing to hide.
Sorry purps...but how many times have you heard this in the name of being more secure when in fact giving up your privacy rights never leads to being safer.
Go back 2 years in the New York Times and pull up the article on London's crime rate and the use / abuse of the cameras they installed there. The crime rate has actually gone up even with hundreds of cameras installed. They also went to the "camera patrol headquarters" and did some studies. Bored workers would zoom in on women's boobs and crotches. Train the cameras at inappropriate things and what not. So purps since you have nothing to hide wouldn't you feel slightly violated if you found out that for 1 1/2 blocks some letch was zooming a camera looking at your crotch?
This "I have nothing to hide" is as weak as "If only one person's life could be saved it would be worth it." Yet the people who say that still drive their cars everyday...and by not driving we could save 42,000 people a year in auto accidents. So it's a non sequitar. -
If you have nothing to hide then it shouldn't be a problem.
While I can understand that some might think they are useless seems as they will only be looked at after a crime has been comitted and therefore not enable the police to intervene while the crime is happening, I think they will act as a deterrant.
Once the criminals realise they are there and will be looked at after they have commited their particular crime they are hopefully going to think twice, also it will help the police to make identifications and therefore bring more criminals to justice.
A lot of CCTV cameras are not viewed live anyway due to lack of resources.
they can point the cameras at any street or window they want. With the new face recognition software I could be tracked from the moment I open my curtains to the minute I get to work. If the government felt if was in "my" best interest I could be tracked 24/7 without the fuss of a warrant. If the police needed me, with two-way microphones and speakers, I could be told to stand were I am at any time on any street. I would imagine it would be the
Yup I sure do love big brother.blackworst neighborhoods first so whatrepublicangood American could object to that. After all if you don't do anything wrong what could be the harm in being under 24 hr. E-eyes? And we would have "proof" of crime everyone knows you can't make fraudulent digital images. hell, with enough computing power we wouldn’t even need to use yellow stares to keep track of the Jews. -
As a JW did you not think that God was watching you 24/7?
Anddid you have a problem with that?
If your not doing anything wrong then what is the difference???
I have absolutely no problem with it. However,...think of all the people out there picking their noses on camera! LMAO
I have another unpopular opinion also. Not to divert attention from this thread...but I feel that at birth all children should be DNA tested and then "put on the books". Yes, this may be conceived as an invasion of privacy, but if you are not doing anything illegal (which invades others privacy, usually) it should not effect you. I think that many more crimes could be solved with this policy.
Evil, learn to use the scroll wheel on your mouse. The original post was about using cameras, not to monitor activity as it happens, but to review tapes if a crime occurs. "If I have nothing to hide" is an absolutely valid point.
Personally, I would invite the "video police" to scan me day in and day out...hell, zoom in and check to see if I have any boogers in my nose today...if those same monitors could help in catching a rapist or tracking down a child abductor or solving the murder of your significant other