I didn’t know quite where to put my latest post but it does in some way relate to Retirement:
I just saw a thread on Reddit about somebody talking about their recent CO visit and referring to it as “Knucking Futz..” which it sounds like.
An anecdotal story was related about a sister who couldn’t get off her job one day to attend an assembly. She ends up quitting her job…but gets an anonymous letter in the mail essentially telling her somebody is giving her a great deal of money, etc. so no financial worries.
AGAIN, there is this never ending ridiculous theme of trying to convince JWs to quit their jobs! Only in this case there is the ‘hope’ planted in somebody’s mind that an anonymous benefactor might drop a pile of money on them! Anybody who falls for this garbage of quitting their job is certainly not planning for their retirement. I hate to disillusion anybody but I have never heard of the religion supporting anybody - (unless maybe if you’re a GB member who knows too much!)
If the ‘new system’ is anybody’s retirement plan — Good luck.
This is the same shit I heard there decades ago but Thank God I never listened.