What I would like to stress to all the born-in/ raised-in Witnesses/ex-Witnesses is that the religion was not honest and up front about what they were. Very deceitful.
This is how somebody raised Catholic like myself was roped in.
Did you know that I was told everybody was equal there? 🤣 I was also told they had ‘no clergy class’ when they do, in fact, claim ecclesiastical privilege in courts of law. Simply, they have a plain clothes clergy.. At first, I didn’t think it was a religion per se..
I personally was only interested in ‘end time prophecy’ and that was it.. Some liars there made it sound like they ‘cracked some code’ in the Bible and I was ‘in the right place’. 🙄 Anyway, it was all lies.
After the honeymoon period was over I saw all the mean-spirited judgmentalism.. When I refused to quit my full-time job to appease these people (and refused to do favors for Users) they made sure I was ‘marked’ and hardly invited anywhere.
So, it wasn’t necessarily about being ‘gullible’. If I had been very gullible & quit my full-time job then I would be in very bad shape today.. Thank God I never listened!